[html5] Using <section> and <h1> ? Theoretical?

Bruce Lawson brucel at opera.com
Thu May 15 00:06:47 PDT 2014

On 14 May 2014 20:29, Jukka K. Korpela <jukka.k.korpela at kolumbus.fi> wrote:
>> But yes, to support tools that don't yet support <section>, one should use
>> <h2>-<h6>. That's why the spec allows this. It was part of the original
>> design of <section> and friends, almost 10 years ago now. :-)
> And <h2> and friends have worked well even longer. The question is really
> why the use of <h1>, relying on support to <section>, is allowed at all (and
> often seen as recommended and “more logical”).

Is it often "recommended and seen as more logical"? In the book I
co-wrote, and every other book or presentation I've seen, the use of
<h1>..<h6> + sectioning elements is recommended. I know of no-one who
recommends the use of h1 all the time; even if the presenter/ author
doesn't care about lack of AT support for the outlining algorithm, it
makes writing x-browser CSS to ensure that all "logical" <h2> look the
same truly evil.

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