[whatwg] CSS for specific input types

Scott Andrews scothis at gmail.com
Mon Jul 12 12:43:04 PDT 2004

I'm not sure if this has already been suggested, or if there is better
way to perform this task.  With CSS it would be convenient for there
to be a way to override the default styles for a particular input
type, instead of applying a generic class to all the inputs of that

For example, if you wanted to make all the checkboxes on a page twice
their normal size use a class like:

input.checkbox {
    width: 200%;
    height: 200%;

<input type="checkbox"> 
<input type="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox">

Instead of:

checkboxStyle {
     width: 200%;
    height: 200%;

<input type="checkbox" class="checkboxStyle">
<input type="checkbox" class="checkboxStyle">
<input type="checkbox" class="checkboxStyle">

Thanks for your feedback,
Scott Andrews

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