[whatwg] [WF3] Web Forms 3.0 Feature List

Matthew Raymond mattraymond at earthlink.net
Thu Feb 22 19:55:02 PST 2007

   I'll start:

 * XForms Tiny's |calculate| attribute

 * |required| attribute with expression values
   (formerly XForms Tiny's |needed| attribute)

 * |valid| (formerly XForms Tiny's |constraint| attribute)

 * |disabled| attribute with expression values
   (formerly XForms Tiny's |relevant| attribute, without the hidden

 * |placeholder| attribute

 * <input type="color"> (color picker)

 * <input type="move">
   (drag control for moving items in a repetition block)

 * <altinput>

   Also, new example for <altinput>:

| <altinput for="cc1" type="creditcard" required="required">
|   <fieldset>
|     <legend><label for="cc1">Credit Card</label></legend>
|     <input type="hidden" id="cc1" name="cc1">
|     <p><label>
|       Card Type:
|       <select name="cc1_type">
|         <option>Visa</option>
|         <option>Mastercard</option>
|         <option>Discover</option>
|       </select>
|     </label></p>
|     <p>
|       Card Number:
|       <input type="number" name="cc1_1"> -
|       <input type="number" name="cc1_2"> -
|       <input type="number" name="cc1_3"> -
|       <input type="number" name="cc1_4">
|     </p>
|     <p>
|       Expiration:
|       <select name="cc1_exp_month">[...]</select> /
|       <select name="cc1_exp_year">[...]</select>
|     </p>
|   </fieldset>
| </altinput>

   I made a slight change in the definition of <altinput>. If the |type|
replacement is successful, only the <input> should be visible, but I'm
changing that to the <input> _and_ it's associated <label>.

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