[whatwg] Thoughts on video accessibility

Calogero Alex Baldacchino alex.baldacchino at email.it
Sat Dec 27 12:55:05 PST 2008

Silvia Pfeiffer ha scritto:
> Hi Ian,
> Thanks for taking the time to go through all the options, analyse and
> understand them - especially on your birthday! :-) Much appreciated!

Than, happy birthday to Ian!

> [...]
> The only real issue that we have with separate files is that the
> captions may get lost when people download the video, store it
> locally, and share it with friends. Maybe we should consider solving
> this differently. Either we could encapsulate into the video container
> upon download. Or we could create a zip-file or tarball upon download.
> I'd just find it a big mistake to ignore the majority use case in the
> standard, which is why I proposed the <text> elements inside the
> <video> tag.
> [...]

A flying thought: why not thinking also to a further option for 
embedding everything in a sort of "all-in-one" html page generated on 
the fly when downloading, making of it a global container for video and 
text to be consumed by UAs (while maintaining the opportunity to 
download a video as a separate file, of course)? For instance, the video 
itself might become the base64-encoded (or otherwise acceptably encoded) 
value of a data-* attribute (or a more specific attribute) to be decoded 
by a script (as well generated on the fly) and served to the video 
engine as a "javascript:" url in place of the video src (or, perhaps 
better, the UA might do that itself by supporting the "data:" protocol 
as a valid source for the video, or a fragid pointing to an element 
following the </video> tag, perhaps a <paintext> or something else, and 
containing the encoded video); while text elements might wrap the 
corresponding timed text file, to be embedded into the page as bare 
text, similarly to a script code -- if a certain format contained <text> 
tag, those might be changed into &lt;text&gt; or similarly (or perhaps 
the file content might be encoded as well) to avoid conflicts with html 

Of course, it's a "first-glance" idea, and needs further considerations 
on its reliability (e.g. such an html page perhaps shouldn't be the 
source set for a video in another page, and an option should be provided 
to extract embedded contet; seeking might require a sequential decoding 
to reach a desired point, and so on).

Regards, Alex
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