[whatwg] WebSocket set-cookie

Simon Pieters simonp at opera.com
Fri May 7 07:32:38 PDT 2010

establish a WebSocket connection

41. ...

If the entry's name is "set-cookie" or "set-cookie2" or another  
cookie-related field name
If the relevant specification is supported by the user agent, handle the  
cookie as defined by the appropriate specification, with the resource  
being the one with the host host, the port port, the path (and possibly  
query parameters) resource name, and the scheme http if secure is false  
and https if secure is true. [COOKIES]

If the relevant specification is not supported by the user agent, then the  
field must be ignored.

At this point, the handshake can still fail. It seems bad to set cookies  
if the handshake fails. We want to process set-cookie when the handshake  
has succeeded (but before changing readyState and firing 'open').

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

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