[whatwg] Proposal: <intent> tag for Web Intents API

Greg Billock gbillock at google.com
Wed Dec 14 14:05:37 PST 2011

Anne van Kesteren wrote:

> We can just add additional attributes to <meta> you know. We have done the
> same for <link>. E.g. for <link rel=icon> you can specify a sizes
> attribute.

That sounds like an interesting option. So instead of having

<intent action="..." type="..." href="..." title="..."

we'd have

<meta name="intent" action="..." type="..." href="..." title="..."

If we want alternate layout in the body, would we also need to change
the requirement
that <meta> have the |itemprop| attribute in that context?

I do think this approach has much better developer ergonomics than a
collection of tags like

<meta name="intent-action" content="...">
<meta name="intent-type" content="...">
<meta name="intent-disposition" content="...">

The big ergonomic sticking point there is probably the |href|
attribute, which we envision
being able to do same-origin registration. Perhaps a similar <link
rel="intent"> tag
modification would be able to do that, though. Is that what you'd
suggest? Do you think
having two tags involved would be confusing?

-Greg Billock

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