[html5] r2764 - [] (0) Filling in the rendering section: <fieldset>.

whatwg at whatwg.org whatwg at whatwg.org
Thu Feb 5 18:15:50 PST 2009

Author: ianh
Date: 2009-02-05 18:15:49 -0800 (Thu, 05 Feb 2009)
New Revision: 2764

[] (0) Filling in the rendering section: <fieldset>.

Modified: index
--- index	2009-02-06 01:43:03 UTC (rev 2763)
+++ index	2009-02-06 02:15:49 UTC (rev 2764)
@@ -56872,12 +56872,37 @@
   <h4 id=the-fieldset-element-0><span class=secno>10.2.9 </span>The <code><a href=#the-fieldset-element>fieldset</a></code> element</h4>
-  <p class=XXX>...</p>
-  <!-- XXX <legend align="left|right|center|bottom|top"> -->
+  <pre class=css>@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);
+fieldset {
+  margin-left: 2px; margin-right: 2px;
+  border: groove 2px ThreeDFace;
+  padding: 0.35em 0.625em 0.75em;
+  <p>The first <code><a href=#the-legend-element>legend</a></code> element child of a
+  <code><a href=#the-fieldset-element>fieldset</a></code> element, if any, is expected to be rendered
+  over the top border edge of the <code><a href=#the-fieldset-element>fieldset</a></code> element. If
+  the <code><a href=#the-legend-element>legend</a></code> element in question has an <code title=attr-legend-align>align</code> attribute, and its value is
+  an <span>ASCII case insensitive</span> match for one of the strings
+  in the first column of the following table, then the
+  <code><a href=#the-legend-element>legend</a></code> is expected to be rendered horizontally aligned
+  over the border edge in the position given in the corresponding cell
+  on the same row in the second column. If the attribute is absent or
+  has a value that doesn't match any of the cases in the table, then
+  the position is expected to be on the right if the 'direction'
+  property on this element has a computed value of 'rtl', and on the
+  left otherwise.</p>
-  <h3 id=replaced-elements><span class=secno>10.3 </span>Replaced elements</h3>
+  <table><thead><tr><th>Attribute value
+     <th>Alignment position
+   <tbody><tr><td><code title="">left</code>
+     <td>On the left
+    <tr><td><code title="">right</code>
+     <td>On the right
+    <tr><td><code title="">center</code>
+     <td>In the middle
+  </table><h3 id=replaced-elements><span class=secno>10.3 </span>Replaced elements</h3>
   <h4 id=embedded-content-1><span class=secno>10.3.1 </span>Embedded content</h4>

Modified: source
--- source	2009-02-06 01:43:03 UTC (rev 2763)
+++ source	2009-02-06 02:15:49 UTC (rev 2764)
@@ -62260,11 +62260,48 @@
   <h4>The <code>fieldset</code> element</h4>
-  <p class="XXX">...</p>
-  <!-- XXX <legend align="left|right|center|bottom|top"> -->
+  <pre class="css">@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);
+fieldset {
+  margin-left: 2px; margin-right: 2px;
+  border: groove 2px ThreeDFace;
+  padding: 0.35em 0.625em 0.75em;
+  <p>The first <code>legend</code> element child of a
+  <code>fieldset</code> element, if any, is expected to be rendered
+  over the top border edge of the <code>fieldset</code> element. If
+  the <code>legend</code> element in question has an <code
+  title="attr-legend-align">align</code> attribute, and its value is
+  an <span>ASCII case insensitive</span> match for one of the strings
+  in the first column of the following table, then the
+  <code>legend</code> is expected to be rendered horizontally aligned
+  over the border edge in the position given in the corresponding cell
+  on the same row in the second column. If the attribute is absent or
+  has a value that doesn't match any of the cases in the table, then
+  the position is expected to be on the right if the 'direction'
+  property on this element has a computed value of 'rtl', and on the
+  left otherwise.</p>
+  <table>
+   <thead>
+    <tr>
+     <th>Attribute value
+     <th>Alignment position
+   <tbody>
+    <tr>
+     <td><code title="">left</code>
+     <td>On the left
+    <tr>
+     <td><code title="">right</code>
+     <td>On the right
+    <tr>
+     <td><code title="">center</code>
+     <td>In the middle
+  </table>
   <h3>Replaced elements</h3>
   <h4>Embedded content</h4>

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