<font size=3>I've also posted this on bugzilla.validator.nu. It's bug #839.<br>
The current HTTP header validation on Validator.nu seems too strict. While I realize there are a vast array of meta name="" headers, there are a few I'd like to see permitted.<br>
These include meta tag verification for the major search engines -- name="verify-v1" for Google, name="y_key" for Yahoo, name="msvalidate.01" for Bing. It is true, of course, that each search engine does provide alternative means of verification, but not permitting the most widely used means of verification is problematic. This is also true for all pages that use name="robots", name="googlebot", name="msnbot", name="slurp", etc meta tags rather than an external robots.txt file.<br>
Registering geo meta tags is of assistance with mobile and local search. These include name="geo.placename", name="geo.position", and name="geo.region". This could also be said for the ICBM meta tag.<br>
I'd like to see the name="copyright" meta tag registered.<br>
In addition, I'd suggest some recognition for the SafeSurf Internet Rating Standard. Please see <A HREF="http://www.safesurf.com/ssplan.htm">http://www.safesurf.com/ssplan.htm</A> for further information.<br>
Robert Visser<br>
PageRank-SEO, LLC<br>
202.657.4686 studio<br>
202.256.0676 mobile<br>
646.875.8SEO (736) NYC<br>
<A HREF="http://www.pagerank-seo.com">http://www.pagerank-seo.com</A><br>
<A HREF="http://twitter.com/PageRankSEO">http://twitter.com/PageRankSEO</A></font>