[whatwg] isindex as a parser macro

Henri Sivonen hsivonen at iki.fi
Fri Feb 12 05:49:40 PST 2010

Given that all the top 4 engines generate a different DOM for isindex and arguably Gecko (with the old parser) is the most sane, why does the spec align with IE instead of Gecko? Could the spec please align with Gecko (with the old parser)?

Problems with the parser macro include:
 1) Special memory management cases due to generated attributes (done and broken several times).
 2) Form submission changes required (not done yet).
 3) Incompatibility with the W3C DOM Level 2 HTML test suite.
 4) Disparity with document.createElement("isindex");
 5) Disparity with XHTML.

Henri Sivonen
hsivonen at iki.fi

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