[whatwg] AppCache feature request: An https manifest should be able to list resources from other https origins.

Anne van Kesteren annevk at opera.com
Mon Feb 7 06:18:58 PST 2011

On Fri, 04 Feb 2011 23:15:44 +0100, Michael Nordman <michaeln at google.com>  
> Just want to wake this thread up and say that I still see CORS as a
> good fit for this use case, and I'm curious Jonas about what you think
> in light of my previous post?

I think Jonas does have a point. There are side effects to setting the  
CORS headers. I am not sure whether these are bad or good, but if people  
approach this from the idea of getting cross-origin caching to work they  
might not consider them.

I.e. once CORS is used on those resources they can be read using  
XMLHttpRequest. And once we make further changes to the platform  
cross-origin images can be read via <canvas>, etc.

Anne van Kesteren

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