[whatwg] RadioNodeList and buttons

Regis Kuckaertz Regis.Kuckaertz at theguardian.com
Tue Oct 31 07:56:45 PDT 2017

Thanks for your question. Phrased like that, it becomes clear to me that I
did not think enough about how the value would be computed in the case of a
set of buttons. There is no "checkedness" in buttons, not that I know of.

Indeed I find your idea more appealing and semantically clearer. When I
wrote the example, I thought the name attribute on buttons was redundant
with the type attribute.

On Tue, 31 Oct 2017 at 14:23 Boris Zbarsky <bzbarsky at mit.edu> wrote:

> On 10/31/17 6:23 AM, Regis Kuckaertz wrote:
> > formElement.onsubmit = (evt) => {
> >    evt.preventDefault();
> >    const button = evt.target.elements.namedItem('action');
> >    const value = button.value
> If this returned buttons, which button would you expect it to return in
> various situations and why?
> > Here is my question: if the UA handles this situation without a glitch,
> > wouldn't you expect the corresponding DOM API to expose the same
> behaviour?
> I just checked one UA (Firefox), and the way it handles this situation
> is that it stores the "submitter" (in the sense of the argument to
> <https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#form-submission-algorithm>) on the
> "submit" event itself.  Exposing it as a property on that event would
> make a lot of sense to me.
> -Boris


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