Hello,<br><br>I was look at the "submitting and encoding form data set" for the "data: URL"...<br><br><div style="margin-left: 40px;"><a href="http://whatwg.org/specs/web-forms/current-work/#for-data">http://whatwg.org/specs/web-forms/current-work/#for-data
</a><br clear="all"></div><br>... and noticed that (at least when I read it), there does NOT seem to be a way to include values from multiple inputs.<br><br>Let me elaborate with an example. Consider the example of generating some kind of letter where you fill in the blanks. (I'll show a rather simple example here.)
<br><br><div style="margin-left: 40px;"><form method="POST" action="### DATA URL HERE ###"><br><br> <input type="text" name="given_name" /><br><br> <input type="text" name="family_name" />
<br><br> <input type="submit" value="generate letter" /><br><br></form><br></div><br>How would you get the value of "given_name" and "family_name" into the data URL?<br>
<br>What I want is something like...<br><br><div style="margin-left: 40px;"><form method="POST" action="data:,To whom it may concern. My give name is '%%{given_name}' and my family name is '%%{family_name}'. Sincerely, %%{given_name} %%{family_name}">
<input type="text" name="given_name" /><br>
<input type="text" name="family_name" /><br>
<input type="submit" value="generate letter" /><br>
<br>(Where %%{given_name} and %%%%{given_name} would include the value from the input text box named "given_name". With the first form being singly URI encoded, and the second form being doubly URI encoded.)<br>
<br>Is there any way of doing anything like this? Is there any plans on doing anything like this?<br><br><br>-- <br> Charles Iliya Krempeaux, B.Sc.<br><br> charles @ <a href="http://reptile.ca">reptile.ca</a><br> supercanadian @
<a href="http://gmail.com">gmail.com</a><br><br> developer weblog: <a href="http://ChangeLog.ca/">http://ChangeLog.ca/</a><br>___________________________________________________________________________<br> Make Television
<a href="http://maketelevision.com/">http://maketelevision.com/</a>