What if one included hash sums of every binary file in html tags, plus embedded hash sums in streaming file blocks, then the client would never need to look at time stamps/expire headers to determine if it could cache the objects. That would make caching very easy on mobile devices with slow datalinks, make it possible for service providers to cache objects globally for their customer base. One could also augment whole code blocks with hash sums for example css this could possibly be more efficient than time expire.<br>
<br><img src="example.jpg" md5="f2bd08fae5adb96c9befa02bddb4a90c"><br><br><hash md5=bda497e29a81a038208ab94101e2e793" skipaheadlines=10><br><style><br>....<br></style><br></hash><br>
<br><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
href="external-style-sheet-file.css" md5="dee0b8572297fe4e3b004cfe188ecad3"/>
<br>no need to load that style sheet ever again if it's contents has not changed.<br><br>//Christian Nygaard<br>