[html5] r3310 - / images

whatwg at whatwg.org whatwg at whatwg.org
Tue Jun 23 18:12:32 PDT 2009

Author: ianh
Date: 2009-06-23 18:12:30 -0700 (Tue, 23 Jun 2009)
New Revision: 3310

[e] (0) Example for scope=rowgroup.

Added: images/table-scope-diagram.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: images/table-scope-diagram.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Modified: index
--- index	2009-06-23 22:10:50 UTC (rev 3309)
+++ index	2009-06-24 01:12:30 UTC (rev 3310)
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
   <div class=head>
    <p><a class=logo href=http://www.whatwg.org/ rel=home><img alt=WHATWG src=/images/logo></a></p>
    <h1>HTML 5</h1>
-   <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id=draft-standard-—-date:-01-jan-1901>Draft Standard — 23 June 2009</h2>
+   <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id=draft-standard-—-date:-01-jan-1901>Draft Standard — 24 June 2009</h2>
    <p>You can take part in this work. <a href=http://www.whatwg.org/mailing-list>Join the working group's discussion list.</a></p>
    <p><strong>Web designers!</strong> We have a <a href=http://blog.whatwg.org/faq/>FAQ</a>, a <a href=http://forums.whatwg.org/>forum</a>, and a <a href=http://www.whatwg.org/mailing-list#help>help mailing list</a> for you!</p>
    <dl><dt>Multiple-page version:</dt>
@@ -26441,8 +26441,49 @@
+  <div class=example>
+   <p>The following example shows how the <code title=attr-th-scope><a href=#attr-th-scope>scope</a></code> attribute's <code title=attr-th-scope-rowgroup><a href=#attr-th-scope-rowgroup>rowgroup</a></code> value affects which
+   data cells a header cell applies to.</p>
+   <p>Here is a markup fragment showing a table:</p>
+   <pre><table>
+ <thead>
+  <tr> <th> ID <th> Measurement <th> Average <th> Maximum
+ <tbody>
+  <tr> <td> <th scope=rowgroup> Cats <td> <td>
+  <tr> <td> 93 <td> Legs <td> 3.5 <td> 4
+  <tr> <td> 10 <td> Tails <td> 1 <td> 1
+ <tbody>
+  <tr> <td> <th scope=rowgroup> English speakers <td> <td>
+  <tr> <td> 32 <td> Legs <td> 2.67 <td> 4
+  <tr> <td> 35 <td> Tails <td> 0.33 <td> 1
+   <p>This would result in the following table:</p>
+   <table><thead><tr><th> ID <th> Measurement <th> Average <th> Maximum
+    <tbody><tr><td> <th scope=rowgroup> Cats <td> <td>
+     <tr><td> 93 <th> Legs <td> 3.5 <td> 4
+     <tr><td> 10 <th> Tails <td> 1 <td> 1
+    <tbody><tr><td> <th scope=rowgroup> English speakers <td> <td>
+     <tr><td> 32 <th> Legs <td> 2.67 <td> 4
+     <tr><td> 35 <th> Tails <td> 0.33 <td> 1
+   </table><p>The headers in the first row all apply directly down to the rows
+   in their column.</p>
+   <p>The headers with the explicit <code title=attr-th-scope><a href=#attr-th-scope>scope</a></code> attributes apply to all the
+   cells in their row group other than the cells in the first column.</p>
+   <p>The remaining headers apply just to the cells to the right of
+   them.</p>
+   <!-- image source: http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/151 -->
+   <img alt="" src=images/table-scope-diagram.png><!-- (alt is empty because the diagram is completely described by the previous paragraphs) --></div>
   <h4 id=attributes-common-to-td-and-th-elements><span class=secno>4.9.12 </span>Attributes common to <code><a href=#the-td-element>td</a></code> and <code><a href=#the-th-element>th</a></code> elements</h4>
   <p>The <code><a href=#the-td-element>td</a></code> and <code><a href=#the-th-element>th</a></code> elements may have a <dfn id=attr-tdth-colspan title=attr-tdth-colspan><code>colspan</code></dfn> content

Modified: source
--- source	2009-06-23 22:10:50 UTC (rev 3309)
+++ source	2009-06-24 01:12:30 UTC (rev 3310)
@@ -29086,8 +29086,60 @@
+  <div class="example">
+   <p>The following example shows how the <code
+   title="attr-th-scope">scope</code> attribute's <code
+   title="attr-th-scope-rowgroup">rowgroup</code> value affects which
+   data cells a header cell applies to.</p>
+   <p>Here is a markup fragment showing a table:</p>
+   <pre><table>
+ <thead>
+  <tr> <th> ID <th> Measurement <th> Average <th> Maximum
+ <tbody>
+  <tr> <td> <th scope=rowgroup> Cats <td> <td>
+  <tr> <td> 93 <td> Legs <td> 3.5 <td> 4
+  <tr> <td> 10 <td> Tails <td> 1 <td> 1
+ <tbody>
+  <tr> <td> <th scope=rowgroup> English speakers <td> <td>
+  <tr> <td> 32 <td> Legs <td> 2.67 <td> 4
+  <tr> <td> 35 <td> Tails <td> 0.33 <td> 1
+   <p>This would result in the following table:</p>
+   <table>
+    <thead>
+     <tr> <th> ID <th> Measurement <th> Average <th> Maximum
+    <tbody>
+     <tr> <td> <th scope=rowgroup> Cats <td> <td>
+     <tr> <td> 93 <th> Legs <td> 3.5 <td> 4
+     <tr> <td> 10 <th> Tails <td> 1 <td> 1
+    <tbody>
+     <tr> <td> <th scope=rowgroup> English speakers <td> <td>
+     <tr> <td> 32 <th> Legs <td> 2.67 <td> 4
+     <tr> <td> 35 <th> Tails <td> 0.33 <td> 1
+   </table>
+   <p>The headers in the first row all apply directly down to the rows
+   in their column.</p>
+   <p>The headers with the explicit <code
+   title="attr-th-scope">scope</code> attributes apply to all the
+   cells in their row group other than the cells in the first column.</p>
+   <p>The remaining headers apply just to the cells to the right of
+   them.</p>
+   <!-- image source: http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/151 -->
+   <img src="images/table-scope-diagram.png" alt=""><!-- (alt is empty because the diagram is completely described by the previous paragraphs) -->
+  </div>
   <h4>Attributes common to <code>td</code> and <code>th</code> elements</h4>
   <p>The <code>td</code> and <code>th</code> elements may have a <dfn

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