[html5] r3345 - [e] (0) Describe how to do footnotes in tables.

whatwg at whatwg.org whatwg at whatwg.org
Tue Jun 30 19:23:09 PDT 2009

Author: ianh
Date: 2009-06-30 19:23:07 -0700 (Tue, 30 Jun 2009)
New Revision: 3345

[e] (0) Describe how to do footnotes in tables.

Modified: index
--- index	2009-07-01 01:49:35 UTC (rev 3344)
+++ index	2009-07-01 02:23:07 UTC (rev 3345)
@@ -16364,8 +16364,47 @@
+  <p>For figures or tables, footnotes can be included in the relevant
+  <code><a href=#the-legend-element>legend</a></code> or <code><a href=#the-caption-element>caption</a></code> element, or in
+  surrounding prose.</p>
+  <div class=example>
+   <p>In this example, a <!-- round --> table has cells with footnotes
+   that are given in prose. A <code><a href=#the-figure-element>figure</a></code> element is used to
+   give a single legend to the combination of the table and its
+   footnotes.</p>
+   <pre><figure>
+ <legend>Table 1. Alternative activities for knights.</legend>
+ <table>
+  <tr>
+   <th> Activity
+   <th> Location
+   <th> Cost
+  <tr>
+   <td> Dance
+   <td> Wherever possible
+   <td> £0<sup><a href="#fn1">1</a></sup>
+  <tr>
+   <td> Routines, chorus scenes<sup><a href="#fn2">2</a></sup>
+   <td> Undisclosed
+   <td> Undisclosed
+  <tr>
+   <td> Dining<sup><a href="#fn3">3</a></sup>
+   <td> Camelot
+   <td> Cost of ham, jam, and spam<sup><a href="#fn4">4</a></sup>
+ </table>
+ <p id="fn1">1. Assumed.</p>
+ <p id="fn2">2. Footwork impeccable.</p>
+ <p id="fn3">3. Quality described as "well".</p>
+ <p id="fn4">4. A lot.</p>
+  </div>
   <h3 id=edits><span class=secno>4.7 </span>Edits</h3>
   <p>The <code><a href=#the-ins-element>ins</a></code> and <code><a href=#the-del-element>del</a></code> elements represent

Modified: source
--- source	2009-07-01 01:49:35 UTC (rev 3344)
+++ source	2009-07-01 02:23:07 UTC (rev 3345)
@@ -17455,8 +17455,47 @@
+  <p>For figures or tables, footnotes can be included in the relevant
+  <code>legend</code> or <code>caption</code> element, or in
+  surrounding prose.</p>
+  <div class="example">
+   <p>In this example, a <!-- round --> table has cells with footnotes
+   that are given in prose. A <code>figure</code> element is used to
+   give a single legend to the combination of the table and its
+   footnotes.</p>
+   <pre><figure>
+ <legend>Table 1. Alternative activities for knights.</legend>
+ <table>
+  <tr>
+   <th> Activity
+   <th> Location
+   <th> Cost
+  <tr>
+   <td> Dance
+   <td> Wherever possible
+   <td> &#x00A3;0<sup><a href="#fn1">1</a></sup>
+  <tr>
+   <td> Routines, chorus scenes<sup><a href="#fn2">2</a></sup>
+   <td> Undisclosed
+   <td> Undisclosed
+  <tr>
+   <td> Dining<sup><a href="#fn3">3</a></sup>
+   <td> Camelot
+   <td> Cost of ham, jam, and spam<sup><a href="#fn4">4</a></sup>
+ </table>
+ <p id="fn1">1. Assumed.</p>
+ <p id="fn2">2. Footwork impeccable.</p>
+ <p id="fn3">3. Quality described as "well".</p>
+ <p id="fn4">4. A lot.</p>
+  </div>
   <p>The <code>ins</code> and <code>del</code> elements represent

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