[html5] r5266 - [e] (0) More clarifications.

whatwg at whatwg.org whatwg at whatwg.org
Mon Aug 9 23:19:31 PDT 2010

Author: ianh
Date: 2010-08-09 23:19:29 -0700 (Mon, 09 Aug 2010)
New Revision: 5266

[e] (0) More clarifications.

Modified: complete.html
--- complete.html	2010-08-10 06:14:12 UTC (rev 5265)
+++ complete.html	2010-08-10 06:19:29 UTC (rev 5266)
@@ -44627,11 +44627,12 @@
    form "c", while the <a href=#form-owner>form owner</a> of "e" would be the
    outer form "a".</p>
-   <p>This is because despite the association of "e" with "c" in the
-   <a href=#html-parser>HTML parser</a>, when the <code title=dom-innerHTML><a href=#dom-innerhtml>innerHTML</a></code> algorithm moves the nodes
-   from the temporary document to the "b" element, the nodes see their
-   ancestor chain change, and thus all the "magic" associations done
-   by the parser are reset to normal ancestor associations.</p>
+   <p>This happens as follows: First, the "e" node gets associated
+   with "c" in the <a href=#html-parser>HTML parser</a>. Theh, the <code title=dom-innerHTML><a href=#dom-innerhtml>innerHTML</a></code> algorithm moves the nodes
+   from the temporary document to the "b" element. At this point, the
+   nodes see their ancestor chain change, and thus all the "magic"
+   associations done by the parser are reset to normal ancestor
+   associations.</p>
    <p>This example is a non-conforming document, though, as it is a
    violation of the content models to nest <code><a href=#the-form-element>form</a></code>
@@ -46201,9 +46202,9 @@
     <p>If the <code><a href=#the-form-element>form</a></code> element has an <code title=attr-form-accept-charset><a href=#attr-form-accept-charset>accept-charset</a></code> attribute,
     then, taking into account the characters found in the <var title="">form data set</var>'s names and values, and the character
     encodings supported by the user agent, select a character encoding
-    from the list given in the <code><a href=#the-form-element>form</a></code>'s <code title=attr-form-accept-charset><a href=#attr-form-accept-charset>accept-charset</a></code>
-    attribute. If none of the encodings are supported, then let the
-    selected character encoding be UTF-8.</p>
+    from the list given in the <code><a href=#the-form-element>form</a></code>'s <code title=attr-form-accept-charset><a href=#attr-form-accept-charset>accept-charset</a></code> attribute.
+    If none of the encodings are supported, or if none are listed,
+    then let the selected character encoding be UTF-8.</p>
     <p>Otherwise, the selected character encoding is the
     <a href="#document's-character-encoding">document's character encoding</a>.</p>

Modified: index
--- index	2010-08-10 06:14:12 UTC (rev 5265)
+++ index	2010-08-10 06:19:29 UTC (rev 5266)
@@ -44554,11 +44554,12 @@
    form "c", while the <a href=#form-owner>form owner</a> of "e" would be the
    outer form "a".</p>
-   <p>This is because despite the association of "e" with "c" in the
-   <a href=#html-parser>HTML parser</a>, when the <code title=dom-innerHTML><a href=#dom-innerhtml>innerHTML</a></code> algorithm moves the nodes
-   from the temporary document to the "b" element, the nodes see their
-   ancestor chain change, and thus all the "magic" associations done
-   by the parser are reset to normal ancestor associations.</p>
+   <p>This happens as follows: First, the "e" node gets associated
+   with "c" in the <a href=#html-parser>HTML parser</a>. Theh, the <code title=dom-innerHTML><a href=#dom-innerhtml>innerHTML</a></code> algorithm moves the nodes
+   from the temporary document to the "b" element. At this point, the
+   nodes see their ancestor chain change, and thus all the "magic"
+   associations done by the parser are reset to normal ancestor
+   associations.</p>
    <p>This example is a non-conforming document, though, as it is a
    violation of the content models to nest <code><a href=#the-form-element>form</a></code>
@@ -46128,9 +46129,9 @@
     <p>If the <code><a href=#the-form-element>form</a></code> element has an <code title=attr-form-accept-charset><a href=#attr-form-accept-charset>accept-charset</a></code> attribute,
     then, taking into account the characters found in the <var title="">form data set</var>'s names and values, and the character
     encodings supported by the user agent, select a character encoding
-    from the list given in the <code><a href=#the-form-element>form</a></code>'s <code title=attr-form-accept-charset><a href=#attr-form-accept-charset>accept-charset</a></code>
-    attribute. If none of the encodings are supported, then let the
-    selected character encoding be UTF-8.</p>
+    from the list given in the <code><a href=#the-form-element>form</a></code>'s <code title=attr-form-accept-charset><a href=#attr-form-accept-charset>accept-charset</a></code> attribute.
+    If none of the encodings are supported, or if none are listed,
+    then let the selected character encoding be UTF-8.</p>
     <p>Otherwise, the selected character encoding is the
     <a href="#document's-character-encoding">document's character encoding</a>.</p>

Modified: source
--- source	2010-08-10 06:14:12 UTC (rev 5265)
+++ source	2010-08-10 06:19:29 UTC (rev 5266)
@@ -49959,12 +49959,13 @@
    form "c", while the <span>form owner</span> of "e" would be the
    outer form "a".</p>
-   <p>This is because despite the association of "e" with "c" in the
-   <span>HTML parser</span>, when the <code
+   <p>This happens as follows: First, the "e" node gets associated
+   with "c" in the <span>HTML parser</span>. Theh, the <code
    title="dom-innerHTML">innerHTML</code> algorithm moves the nodes
-   from the temporary document to the "b" element, the nodes see their
-   ancestor chain change, and thus all the "magic" associations done
-   by the parser are reset to normal ancestor associations.</p>
+   from the temporary document to the "b" element. At this point, the
+   nodes see their ancestor chain change, and thus all the "magic"
+   associations done by the parser are reset to normal ancestor
+   associations.</p>
    <p>This example is a non-conforming document, though, as it is a
    violation of the content models to nest <code>form</code>
@@ -51869,9 +51870,9 @@
     title="">form data set</var>'s names and values, and the character
     encodings supported by the user agent, select a character encoding
     from the list given in the <code>form</code>'s <code
-    title="attr-form-accept-charset">accept-charset</code>
-    attribute. If none of the encodings are supported, then let the
-    selected character encoding be UTF-8.</p>
+    title="attr-form-accept-charset">accept-charset</code> attribute.
+    If none of the encodings are supported, or if none are listed,
+    then let the selected character encoding be UTF-8.</p>
     <p>Otherwise, the selected character encoding is the
     <span>document's character encoding</span>.</p>

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