[html5] r6151 - [giow] (0) WebSockets: binary data (first draft)
whatwg at whatwg.org
whatwg at whatwg.org
Thu May 26 16:47:23 PDT 2011
Author: ianh
Date: 2011-05-26 16:47:22 -0700 (Thu, 26 May 2011)
New Revision: 6151
[giow] (0) WebSockets: binary data (first draft)
Modified: complete.html
--- complete.html 2011-05-24 23:50:04 UTC (rev 6150)
+++ complete.html 2011-05-26 23:47:22 UTC (rev 6151)
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@
<header class=head id=head><p><a class=logo href=http://www.whatwg.org/><img alt=WHATWG height=101 src=/images/logo width=101></a></p>
<hgroup><h1>Web Applications 1.0</h1>
- <h2 class="no-num no-toc">Living Standard — Last Updated 24 May 2011</h2>
+ <h2 class="no-num no-toc">Living Standard — Last Updated 26 May 2011</h2>
</hgroup><dl><dt>Multiple-page version:</dt>
<dd><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/>http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/</a></dd>
<dt>One-page version:</dt>
@@ -78822,12 +78822,17 @@
// networking
attribute <a href=#function>Function</a> <a href=#handler-websocket-onopen title=handler-WebSocket-onopen>onopen</a>;
- attribute <a href=#function>Function</a> <a href=#handler-websocket-onmessage title=handler-WebSocket-onmessage>onmessage</a>;
attribute <a href=#function>Function</a> <a href=#handler-websocket-onerror title=handler-WebSocket-onerror>onerror</a>;
attribute <a href=#function>Function</a> <a href=#handler-websocket-onclose title=handler-WebSocket-onclose>onclose</a>;
readonly attribute DOMString <a href=#dom-websocket-protocol title=dom-WebSocket-protocol>protocol</a>;
+ void <a href=#dom-websocket-close title=dom-WebSocket-close>close</a>();
+ // messaging
+ attribute <a href=#function>Function</a> <a href=#handler-websocket-onmessage title=handler-WebSocket-onmessage>onmessage</a>;
+ attribute Object <a href=#dom-websocket-binarytype title=dom-WebSocket-binaryType>binaryType</a>;
void <a href=#dom-websocket-send title=dom-WebSocket-send>send</a>(in DOMString data);
- void <a href=#dom-websocket-close title=dom-WebSocket-close>close</a>();
+ void <a href=#dom-websocket-send title=dom-WebSocket-send>send</a>(in <span>ArrayBuffer</span> data);
+ void <a href=#dom-websocket-send title=dom-WebSocket-send>send</a>(in <a href=#blob>Blob</a> data);
<a href=#websocket>WebSocket</a> implements <a href=#eventtarget>EventTarget</a>;</pre>
@@ -78965,21 +78970,6 @@
conjunction with the array form of the constructor's second argument
to perform subprotocol negotiation.</p>
- <p>The <dfn id=dom-websocket-send title=dom-WebSocket-send><code>send(<var title="">data</var>)</code></dfn> method transmits data using the
- connection. If the <code title=dom-WebSocket-readyState><a href=#dom-websocket-readystate>readyState</a></code> attribute is
- <code title=dom-WebSocket-CONNECTING><a href=#dom-websocket-connecting>CONNECTING</a></code>, it must
- raise an <code><a href=#invalid_state_err>INVALID_STATE_ERR</a></code> exception. Otherwise, if the
- <var title="">data</var> argument has any unpaired surrogates, then
- it must raise <code><a href=#syntax_err>SYNTAX_ERR</a></code>. If the connection is
- established, and the string has no unpaired surrogates, and <span title="the WebSocket closing handshake has started">the WebSocket
- closing handshake has not yet started</span>, then the user agent
- must <span>send <var title="">data</var> using the WebSocket</span>;
- if the data cannot be sent, e.g. because it would need to be
- buffered but the buffer is full, the user agent must <span>close the
- WebSocket connection</span>. Any invokation of this method that does
- not raise an exception must increase the <code title=dom-WebSocket-bufferedAmount><a href=#dom-websocket-bufferedamount>bufferedAmount</a></code> attribute
- by the number of bytes needed to express the argument as UTF-8. <a href=#refsWSP>[WSP]</a></p>
<p>The <dfn id=dom-websocket-close title=dom-WebSocket-close><code>close()</code></dfn>
method must run the first matching steps from the following list:</p>
@@ -79086,7 +79076,108 @@
- <hr><p>The following are the <a href=#event-handlers>event handlers</a> that must be
+ <hr><p>When a <code><a href=#websocket>WebSocket</a></code> object is created, its <dfn id=dom-websocket-binarytype title=dom-WebSocket-binaryType><code>binaryType</code></dfn> IDL
+ attribute must be set to the <code><a href=#blob>Blob</a></code> interface object
+ associated with the same global object as the <code title=dom-WebSocket><a href=#dom-websocket>WebSocket</a></code> constructor used to create
+ the <code><a href=#websocket>WebSocket</a></code> object. On getting, it must return the
+ last value it was set to. On setting, if the new value is either the
+ <code><a href=#blob>Blob</a></code> or <code>ArrayBuffer</code> interface object
+ associated with the same global object as the <code title=dom-WebSocket><a href=#dom-websocket>WebSocket</a></code> constructor used to create
+ the <code><a href=#websocket>WebSocket</a></code> object, then set the IDL attribute to
+ this new value. Otherwise, throw a <code><a href=#not_supported_err>NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR</a></code>
+ exception.</p>
+ <p class=note>This attribute allows authors to control how binary
+ data is exposed to scripts. By setting the attribute to
+ <code><a href=#blob>Blob</a></code>, binary data is returned in <code><a href=#blob>Blob</a></code>
+ form; by setting it to <code>ArrayBuffer</code>, it is returned in
+ <code>ArrayBuffer</code> form. User agents can use this as a hint
+ for how to handle incoming binary data: if the attribute is set to
+ <code><a href=#blob>Blob</a></code>, it is safe to spool it to disk, and if it is set
+ to <code>ArrayBuffer</code>, it is likely more efficient to keep the
+ data in memory. Naturally, user agents are encouraged to use more
+ subtle heuristics to decide whether to keep incoming data in memory
+ or not, e.g. based on how big the data is or how common it is for a
+ script to change the attribute at the last minute. This latter
+ aspect is important in particular because it is quite possible for
+ the attribute to be changed after the user agent has received the
+ data but before the user agent as fired the event for it.</p>
+ <p>The <dfn id=dom-websocket-send title=dom-WebSocket-send><code>send(<var title="">data</var>)</code></dfn> method transmits data using the
+ connection. If the <code title=dom-WebSocket-readyState><a href=#dom-websocket-readystate>readyState</a></code> attribute is
+ <code title=dom-WebSocket-CONNECTING><a href=#dom-websocket-connecting>CONNECTING</a></code>, it must
+ raise an <code><a href=#invalid_state_err>INVALID_STATE_ERR</a></code> exception. Otherwise, the
+ user agent must run the appropriate set of steps from the following
+ list:</p>
+ <dl><dt>If the argument is a string</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>If the <var title="">data</var> argument has any unpaired
+ surrogates, then raise an <code><a href=#syntax_err>SYNTAX_ERR</a></code> exception. If
+ the connection is established, and the string has no unpaired
+ surrogates, and <span title="the WebSocket closing handshake has
+ started">the WebSocket closing handshake has not yet
+ started</span>, then the user agent must <span>send <var title="">data</var> using the WebSocket</span> using a text frame
+ opcode; if the data cannot be sent, e.g. because it would need to
+ be buffered but the buffer is full, the user agent must
+ <span>close the WebSocket connection</span>. Any invokation of
+ this method with a string argument that does not raise an
+ exception must increase the <code title=dom-WebSocket-bufferedAmount><a href=#dom-websocket-bufferedamount>bufferedAmount</a></code>
+ attribute by the number of bytes needed to express the argument as
+ UTF-8. <a href=#refsWSP>[WSP]</a></p>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>If the argument is a <code><a href=#blob>Blob</a></code> object</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>If the connection is established, and <span title="The
+ WebSocket Closing Handshake is Started">the WebSocket closing
+ handshake has not yet started</span>, then the user agent must
+ <span>send <var title="">data</var> using the WebSocket</span>
+ using a binary frame opcode; if the data cannot be sent, e.g.
+ because it would need to be buffered but the buffer is full, the
+ user agent must <span>close the WebSocket connection</span>. The
+ data to be sent is the raw data represented by the
+ <code><a href=#blob>Blob</a></code> object. <!-- that sentence is meant to invoke
+ "This interface represents immutable raw data." --> Any invokation
+ of this method with a <code><a href=#blob>Blob</a></code> argument that does not
+ raise an exception must increase the <code title=dom-WebSocket-bufferedAmount><a href=#dom-websocket-bufferedamount>bufferedAmount</a></code>
+ attribute by the size of the <code><a href=#blob>Blob</a></code> object's raw data,
+ in bytes. <!-- that sentence is meant to invoke the same as
+ Blob.size --> <a href=#refsWSP>[WSP]</a> <a href=#refsFILEAPI>[FILEAPI]</a></p>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>If the argument is an <code>ArrayBuffer</code> object</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>If the connection is established, and <span title="The
+ WebSocket Closing Handshake is Started">the WebSocket closing
+ handshake has not yet started</span>, then the user agent must
+ <span>send <var title="">data</var> using the WebSocket</span>
+ using a binary frame opcode; if the data cannot be sent, e.g.
+ because it would need to be buffered but the buffer is full, the
+ user agent must <span>close the WebSocket connection</span>. The
+ data to be sent is the data stored in the buffer described by the
+ <code>ArrayBuffer</code> object. <!-- that sentence is meant to
+ invoke "The ArrayBuffer type describes a buffer used to store data
+ for the array buffer views." at the top of the Typed Array spec
+ --> Any invokation of this method with an <code>ArrayBuffer</code>
+ argument that does not raise an exception must increase the <code title=dom-WebSocket-bufferedAmount><a href=#dom-websocket-bufferedamount>bufferedAmount</a></code>
+ attribute by the length of the <code>ArrayBuffer</code> in bytes.
+ <!-- that sentence is meant to invoke the same as
+ ArrayBuffer.byteLength --> <a href=#refsWSP>[WSP]</a> <a href=#refsTYPEDARRAY>[TYPEDARRAY]</a></p>
+ </dd>
+ </dl><hr><p>The following are the <a href=#event-handlers>event handlers</a> that must be
supported, as IDL attributes, by all objects implementing the
<code><a href=#websocket>WebSocket</a></code> interface:</p>
@@ -79120,14 +79211,63 @@
and then <a href=#fire-a-simple-event>fire a simple event</a> named <code title=event-open>open</code> at the <code><a href=#websocket>WebSocket</a></code> object.
<a href=#refsWSP>[WSP]</a></p>
- <p>When <i>a WebSocket message has been received</i> with text <var title="">data</var>, the user agent must create an event that uses
- the <code><a href=#messageevent>MessageEvent</a></code> interface, with the event name <code title=event-message><a href=#event-message>message</a></code>, which does not bubble, is not
- cancelable, has no default action, and whose <code title=dom-MessageEvent-data><a href=#dom-messageevent-data>data</a></code> attribute is set to <var title="">data</var>, and <a href=#queue-a-task>queue a task</a> to check to see
- if the <code title=dom-WebSocket-readyState><a href=#dom-websocket-readystate>readyState</a></code>
- attribute's value is <code title=dom-WebSocket-OPEN><a href=#dom-websocket-open>OPEN</a></code>
- (1) or <code title=dom-WebSocket-CLOSING><a href=#dom-websocket-closing>CLOSING</a></code> (2), and
- if so, dispatch the event at the <code><a href=#websocket>WebSocket</a></code> object. <a href=#refsWSP>[WSP]</a></p>
+ <p>When <i>a WebSocket message has been received</i> with type <var title="">type</var> and data <var title="">data</var>, the user
+ agent must <a href=#queue-a-task>queue a task</a> to follow these steps: <a href=#refsWSP>[WSP]</a></p>
+ <ol><li>
+ <p>If the <code title=dom-WebSocket-readyState><a href=#dom-websocket-readystate>readyState</a></code>
+ attribute's value is not <code title=dom-WebSocket-OPEN><a href=#dom-websocket-open>OPEN</a></code> (1) or <code title=dom-WebSocket-CLOSING><a href=#dom-websocket-closing>CLOSING</a></code> (2), then abort these
+ steps.</p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>Let <var title="">event</var> be an event that uses the
+ <code><a href=#messageevent>MessageEvent</a></code> interface, with the event name <code title=event-message><a href=#event-message>message</a></code>, which does not bubble, is
+ not cancelable, and has no default action.</p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>If <var title="">type</var> indicates that the data is Text,
+ then set <var title="">event</var>'s <code title=dom-MessageEvent-data><a href=#dom-messageevent-data>data</a></code> attribute to <var title="">data</var>.
+ <p>If <var title="">type</var> indicates that the data is Binary,
+ and <code title=dom-WebSocket-binaryType><a href=#dom-websocket-binarytype>binaryType</a></code> is
+ set to <code><a href=#blob>Blob</a></code>, then set <var title="">event</var>'s
+ <code title=dom-MessageEvent-data><a href=#dom-messageevent-data>data</a></code> attribute to a new
+ <code><a href=#blob>Blob</a></code> object that represents <var title="">data</var>
+ as its raw data. <a href=#refsFILEAPI>[FILEAPI]</a></p>
+ <p>If <var title="">type</var> indicates that the data is Binary,
+ and <code title=dom-WebSocket-binaryType><a href=#dom-websocket-binarytype>binaryType</a></code> is
+ set to <code>ArrayBuffer</code>, then set <var title="">event</var>'s <code title=dom-MessageEvent-data><a href=#dom-messageevent-data>data</a></code> attribute to a new
+ read-only <code>ArrayBuffer</code> object whose contents are <var title="">data</var>. <a href=#refsTYPEDARRAY>[TYPEDARRAY]</a></p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>Dispatch <var title="">event</var> at the
+ <code><a href=#websocket>WebSocket</a></code> object.</p>
+ </li>
+ </ol><p class=note>User agents are encouraged to check if they can
+ perform the above steps efficiently before they run the task,
+ picking tasks from other <a href=#task-queue title="task queue">task queues</a>
+ while they prepare the buffers if not. For example, if the <code title=dom-WebSocket-binaryType><a href=#dom-websocket-binarytype>binaryType</a></code> attribute was set
+ to <code><a href=#blob>Blob</a></code> when the data arrived, and the user agent
+ spooled all the data to disk, but just before running the above
+ <a href=#concept-task title=concept-task>task</a> for this particular message
+ the script switched <code title=dom-WebSocket-binaryType><a href=#dom-websocket-binarytype>binaryType</a></code> to
+ <code>ArrayBuffer</code>, the user agent would want to page the data
+ back to RAM before running this <a href=#concept-task title=concept-task>task</a> so as to avoid stalling the main
+ thread while it created the <code>ArrayBuffer</code> object.</p>
<p>When <i>a WebSocket error has been detected</i>, the user agent
must <a href=#queue-a-task>queue a task</a> to check to see if the <code title=dom-WebSocket-readyState><a href=#dom-websocket-readystate>readyState</a></code> attribute's value
is <code title=dom-WebSocket-OPEN><a href=#dom-websocket-open>OPEN</a></code> (1) or <code title=dom-WebSocket-CLOSING><a href=#dom-websocket-closing>CLOSING</a></code> (2), and if so,
@@ -99093,6 +99233,9 @@
<dt id=refsTURN>[TURN]</dt>
<dd><cite><a href=http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5766>Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN): Relay Extensions to Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN)</a></cite>, R. Mahy, P. Matthews, J. Rosenberg. IETF.</dd>
+ <dt id=refsTYPEDARRAY>[TYPEDARRAY]</dt>
+ <dd><cite><a href=http://www.khronos.org/registry/typedarray/specs/latest/>Typed Array Specification</a></cite>, D. Herman, K. Russell. Khronos.</dd>
<dt id=refsUAAG>[UAAG]</dt>
<dd>(Non-normative) <cite><a href=http://www.w3.org/TR/UAAG20/>Web Content Accessibility
Guidelines (UAAG) 2.0</a></cite>, J. Allan, K. Ford, J. Richards,
Modified: source
--- source 2011-05-24 23:50:04 UTC (rev 6150)
+++ source 2011-05-26 23:47:22 UTC (rev 6151)
@@ -89458,12 +89458,17 @@
// networking
attribute <span>Function</span> <span title="handler-WebSocket-onopen">onopen</span>;
- attribute <span>Function</span> <span title="handler-WebSocket-onmessage">onmessage</span>;
attribute <span>Function</span> <span title="handler-WebSocket-onerror">onerror</span>;
attribute <span>Function</span> <span title="handler-WebSocket-onclose">onclose</span>;
readonly attribute DOMString <span title="dom-WebSocket-protocol">protocol</span>;
+ void <span title="dom-WebSocket-close">close</span>();
+ // messaging
+ attribute <span>Function</span> <span title="handler-WebSocket-onmessage">onmessage</span>;
+ attribute Object <span title="dom-WebSocket-binaryType">binaryType</span>;
void <span title="dom-WebSocket-send">send</span>(in DOMString data);
- void <span title="dom-WebSocket-close">close</span>();
+ void <span title="dom-WebSocket-send">send</span>(in <span>ArrayBuffer</span> data);
+ void <span title="dom-WebSocket-send">send</span>(in <span>Blob</span> data);
<span>WebSocket</span> implements <span>EventTarget</span>;</pre>
@@ -89628,26 +89633,6 @@
conjunction with the array form of the constructor's second argument
to perform subprotocol negotiation.</p>
- <p>The <dfn title="dom-WebSocket-send"><code>send(<var
- title="">data</var>)</code></dfn> method transmits data using the
- connection. If the <code
- title="dom-WebSocket-readyState">readyState</code> attribute is
- <code title="dom-WebSocket-CONNECTING">CONNECTING</code>, it must
- raise an <code>INVALID_STATE_ERR</code> exception. Otherwise, if the
- <var title="">data</var> argument has any unpaired surrogates, then
- it must raise <code>SYNTAX_ERR</code>. If the connection is
- established, and the string has no unpaired surrogates, and <span
- title="the WebSocket closing handshake has started">the WebSocket
- closing handshake has not yet started</span>, then the user agent
- must <span>send <var title="">data</var> using the WebSocket</span>;
- if the data cannot be sent, e.g. because it would need to be
- buffered but the buffer is full, the user agent must <span>close the
- WebSocket connection</span>. Any invokation of this method that does
- not raise an exception must increase the <code
- title="dom-WebSocket-bufferedAmount">bufferedAmount</code> attribute
- by the number of bytes needed to express the argument as UTF-8. <a
- href="#refsWSP">[WSP]</a></p>
<p>The <dfn title="dom-WebSocket-close"><code>close()</code></dfn>
method must run the first matching steps from the following list:</p>
@@ -89779,6 +89764,124 @@
+ <p>When a <code>WebSocket</code> object is created, its <dfn
+ title="dom-WebSocket-binaryType"><code>binaryType</code></dfn> IDL
+ attribute must be set to the <code>Blob</code> interface object
+ associated with the same global object as the <code
+ title="dom-WebSocket">WebSocket</code> constructor used to create
+ the <code>WebSocket</code> object. On getting, it must return the
+ last value it was set to. On setting, if the new value is either the
+ <code>Blob</code> or <code>ArrayBuffer</code> interface object
+ associated with the same global object as the <code
+ title="dom-WebSocket">WebSocket</code> constructor used to create
+ the <code>WebSocket</code> object, then set the IDL attribute to
+ this new value. Otherwise, throw a <code>NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR</code>
+ exception.</p>
+ <p class="note">This attribute allows authors to control how binary
+ data is exposed to scripts. By setting the attribute to
+ <code>Blob</code>, binary data is returned in <code>Blob</code>
+ form; by setting it to <code>ArrayBuffer</code>, it is returned in
+ <code>ArrayBuffer</code> form. User agents can use this as a hint
+ for how to handle incoming binary data: if the attribute is set to
+ <code>Blob</code>, it is safe to spool it to disk, and if it is set
+ to <code>ArrayBuffer</code>, it is likely more efficient to keep the
+ data in memory. Naturally, user agents are encouraged to use more
+ subtle heuristics to decide whether to keep incoming data in memory
+ or not, e.g. based on how big the data is or how common it is for a
+ script to change the attribute at the last minute. This latter
+ aspect is important in particular because it is quite possible for
+ the attribute to be changed after the user agent has received the
+ data but before the user agent as fired the event for it.</p>
+ <p>The <dfn title="dom-WebSocket-send"><code>send(<var
+ title="">data</var>)</code></dfn> method transmits data using the
+ connection. If the <code
+ title="dom-WebSocket-readyState">readyState</code> attribute is
+ <code title="dom-WebSocket-CONNECTING">CONNECTING</code>, it must
+ raise an <code>INVALID_STATE_ERR</code> exception. Otherwise, the
+ user agent must run the appropriate set of steps from the following
+ list:</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>If the argument is a string</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>If the <var title="">data</var> argument has any unpaired
+ surrogates, then raise an <code>SYNTAX_ERR</code> exception. If
+ the connection is established, and the string has no unpaired
+ surrogates, and <span title="the WebSocket closing handshake has
+ started">the WebSocket closing handshake has not yet
+ started</span>, then the user agent must <span>send <var
+ title="">data</var> using the WebSocket</span> using a text frame
+ opcode; if the data cannot be sent, e.g. because it would need to
+ be buffered but the buffer is full, the user agent must
+ <span>close the WebSocket connection</span>. Any invokation of
+ this method with a string argument that does not raise an
+ exception must increase the <code
+ title="dom-WebSocket-bufferedAmount">bufferedAmount</code>
+ attribute by the number of bytes needed to express the argument as
+ UTF-8. <a href="#refsWSP">[WSP]</a></p>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>If the argument is a <code>Blob</code> object</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>If the connection is established, and <span title="The
+ WebSocket Closing Handshake is Started">the WebSocket closing
+ handshake has not yet started</span>, then the user agent must
+ <span>send <var title="">data</var> using the WebSocket</span>
+ using a binary frame opcode; if the data cannot be sent, e.g.
+ because it would need to be buffered but the buffer is full, the
+ user agent must <span>close the WebSocket connection</span>. The
+ data to be sent is the raw data represented by the
+ <code>Blob</code> object. <!-- that sentence is meant to invoke
+ "This interface represents immutable raw data." --> Any invokation
+ of this method with a <code>Blob</code> argument that does not
+ raise an exception must increase the <code
+ title="dom-WebSocket-bufferedAmount">bufferedAmount</code>
+ attribute by the size of the <code>Blob</code> object's raw data,
+ in bytes. <!-- that sentence is meant to invoke the same as
+ Blob.size --> <a href="#refsWSP">[WSP]</a> <a
+ href="#refsFILEAPI">[FILEAPI]</a></p>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>If the argument is an <code>ArrayBuffer</code> object</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>If the connection is established, and <span title="The
+ WebSocket Closing Handshake is Started">the WebSocket closing
+ handshake has not yet started</span>, then the user agent must
+ <span>send <var title="">data</var> using the WebSocket</span>
+ using a binary frame opcode; if the data cannot be sent, e.g.
+ because it would need to be buffered but the buffer is full, the
+ user agent must <span>close the WebSocket connection</span>. The
+ data to be sent is the data stored in the buffer described by the
+ <code>ArrayBuffer</code> object. <!-- that sentence is meant to
+ invoke "The ArrayBuffer type describes a buffer used to store data
+ for the array buffer views." at the top of the Typed Array spec
+ --> Any invokation of this method with an <code>ArrayBuffer</code>
+ argument that does not raise an exception must increase the <code
+ title="dom-WebSocket-bufferedAmount">bufferedAmount</code>
+ attribute by the length of the <code>ArrayBuffer</code> in bytes.
+ <!-- that sentence is meant to invoke the same as
+ ArrayBuffer.byteLength --> <a href="#refsWSP">[WSP]</a> <a
+ href="#refsTYPEDARRAY">[TYPEDARRAY]</a></p>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <hr>
<p>The following are the <span>event handlers</span> that must be
supported, as IDL attributes, by all objects implementing the
<code>WebSocket</code> interface:</p>
@@ -89823,19 +89926,81 @@
title="event-open">open</code> at the <code>WebSocket</code> object.
<a href="#refsWSP">[WSP]</a></p>
- <p>When <i>a WebSocket message has been received</i> with text <var
- title="">data</var>, the user agent must create an event that uses
- the <code>MessageEvent</code> interface, with the event name <code
- title="event-message">message</code>, which does not bubble, is not
- cancelable, has no default action, and whose <code
- title="dom-MessageEvent-data">data</code> attribute is set to <var
- title="">data</var>, and <span>queue a task</span> to check to see
- if the <code title="dom-WebSocket-readyState">readyState</code>
- attribute's value is <code title="dom-WebSocket-OPEN">OPEN</code>
- (1) or <code title="dom-WebSocket-CLOSING">CLOSING</code> (2), and
- if so, dispatch the event at the <code>WebSocket</code> object. <a
+ <p>When <i>a WebSocket message has been received</i> with type <var
+ title="">type</var> and data <var title="">data</var>, the user
+ agent must <span>queue a task</span> to follow these steps: <a
+ <ol>
+ <li>
+ <p>If the <code title="dom-WebSocket-readyState">readyState</code>
+ attribute's value is not <code
+ title="dom-WebSocket-OPEN">OPEN</code> (1) or <code
+ title="dom-WebSocket-CLOSING">CLOSING</code> (2), then abort these
+ steps.</p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>Let <var title="">event</var> be an event that uses the
+ <code>MessageEvent</code> interface, with the event name <code
+ title="event-message">message</code>, which does not bubble, is
+ not cancelable, and has no default action.</p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>If <var title="">type</var> indicates that the data is Text,
+ then set <var title="">event</var>'s <code
+ title="dom-MessageEvent-data">data</code> attribute to <var
+ title="">data</var>.
+ <p>If <var title="">type</var> indicates that the data is Binary,
+ and <code title="dom-WebSocket-binaryType">binaryType</code> is
+ set to <code>Blob</code>, then set <var title="">event</var>'s
+ <code title="dom-MessageEvent-data">data</code> attribute to a new
+ <code>Blob</code> object that represents <var title="">data</var>
+ as its raw data. <a href="#refsFILEAPI">[FILEAPI]</a></p>
+ <p>If <var title="">type</var> indicates that the data is Binary,
+ and <code title="dom-WebSocket-binaryType">binaryType</code> is
+ set to <code>ArrayBuffer</code>, then set <var
+ title="">event</var>'s <code
+ title="dom-MessageEvent-data">data</code> attribute to a new
+ read-only <code>ArrayBuffer</code> object whose contents are <var
+ title="">data</var>. <a
+ href="#refsTYPEDARRAY">[TYPEDARRAY]</a></p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>Dispatch <var title="">event</var> at the
+ <code>WebSocket</code> object.</p>
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ <p class="note">User agents are encouraged to check if they can
+ perform the above steps efficiently before they run the task,
+ picking tasks from other <span title="task queue">task queues</span>
+ while they prepare the buffers if not. For example, if the <code
+ title="dom-WebSocket-binaryType">binaryType</code> attribute was set
+ to <code>Blob</code> when the data arrived, and the user agent
+ spooled all the data to disk, but just before running the above
+ <span title="concept-task">task</span> for this particular message
+ the script switched <code
+ title="dom-WebSocket-binaryType">binaryType</code> to
+ <code>ArrayBuffer</code>, the user agent would want to page the data
+ back to RAM before running this <span
+ title="concept-task">task</span> so as to avoid stalling the main
+ thread while it created the <code>ArrayBuffer</code> object.</p>
<p>When <i>a WebSocket error has been detected</i>, the user agent
must <span>queue a task</span> to check to see if the <code
title="dom-WebSocket-readyState">readyState</code> attribute's value
@@ -113159,6 +113324,9 @@
<dt id="refsTURN">[TURN]</dt>
<dd><cite><a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5766">Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN): Relay Extensions to Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN)</a></cite>, R. Mahy, P. Matthews, J. Rosenberg. IETF.</dd>
+ <dt id="refsTYPEDARRAY">[TYPEDARRAY]</dt>
+ <dd><cite><a href="http://www.khronos.org/registry/typedarray/specs/latest/">Typed Array Specification</a></cite>, D. Herman, K. Russell. Khronos.</dd>
<dt id="refsUAAG">[UAAG]</dt>
<dd>(Non-normative) <cite><a
href="http://www.w3.org/TR/UAAG20/">Web Content Accessibility
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