[html5] Credits for a webpage

Jordan Robert Dobson Jordan.dobson at madebysquad.com
Fri Oct 9 22:48:53 PDT 2009

I'm trying to come up with how I should mark up credits for site and
I'd like to run this by you guys.

Specifically take a look at what is inside the document's footer tag:

  <section>Body Content...</section>
    <p><small>©2009 KPLU is a divisioin of...</small></p>
      <a href="http://GlueNow.com">Made with Glue</a>
      <abbr title="and"> </abbr>
      <a href="http://MadeBySquad.com">Made By Squad</a>

Is there any microdata I could benefit adding to the credits as well?

I'm really trying to make smart choices in how I could this up so any
help or perspective would be appreciated.


Jordan Dobson
Owner + Director
MadeBySquad.com | GlueNow.com | MerchSquad.com | SquadBlog.com
(425) 444-8014

Follow me on twitter at http://Twitter.com/JordanDobson

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