[html5] Canvas onClick event. Why not?

Stefano Gargiulo rastrano at gmail.com
Wed Dec 1 03:13:12 PST 2010

Thank you.

2010/12/1 Ricardo Tomasi <ricardobeat at gmail.com>

> Canvas has no objects or shapes, it's just a flat image. There are
> frameworks that implement events, objects and such rendering via canvas, but
> SVG is better suited to that.
> 2010/11/30 Stefano Gargiulo <rastrano at gmail.com>
>> Hi all,
>> Why canvas objects doesn't implements liteners interfaces?
>> I know that's it's possible to implement a global click listener and then
>> use mouse coords to match the clicked object area, but this is not so
>> stright and flexible  (IMHO).
>> So my question is:
>> is it possible to implement  any "universal" code to attach an onclick
>> event to any canvas shape? why do not propose it for be part of standard?
>> Best regards,
>> Stefano
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