[html5] Canvas onClick event. Why not?

Martin Gainty mgainty at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 1 18:41:35 PST 2010

Hi Patrick

Flex/Flash is a bit of a bear to compile..but it works..
fla, flv and swf formats are easily handled by any Multimedia plugin for FF or *cough* IE browsers

How does Canvas handle Audio / Video streams?
Martin Gainty 
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Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2010 18:22:02 -0800
From: phorgan1 at gmail.com
To: help at lists.whatwg.org
Subject: Re: [html5] Canvas onClick event. Why not?

On 12/01/2010 03:13 AM, Stefano Gargiulo wrote: 
Thank you. 

2010/12/1 Ricardo Tomasi <ricardobeat at gmail.com>

Canvas has no objects or shapes, it's just a flat image. There are frameworks that implement events, objects and such rendering via canvas, but SVG is better suited to that.
That said, canvas is being touted by some as the replacement for flash.  For those folks (sad but true), svg is somehow immaterial since it's been the bridesmaid before and wasn't chosen.  As a replacement for flash, of course it would be nice if canvas listened to events for you.  Of course I blame all of this on Microsoft;)


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