[html5] How do you overcome the HTML form nesting limitation?

Sagara sagara1337 at gmail.com
Fri May 14 00:05:56 PDT 2010

Form attribute (form owner) from HTML5 seems to solve the case.

Also I found interesting note
http://anderwald.info/internet/nesting-form-tags-in-xhtml/ - that (X)HTML
disallows nesting forms like "form > form", but allows "form > fieldset >
form", W3 validator <http://validator.w3.org/> says it is valid, but
browsers does not quite support this.

On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 20:13, Sagara <sagara1337 at gmail.com> wrote:

> 1. Why we don't allow nested forms in HTML5?
> Problem is originally described at
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/597596/how-do-you-overcome-the-html-form-nesting-limitation
> *In short author says:*
> You are making a blog app and you have a form with some fields for creating
> a new post and a toolbar with "actions" like "Save", "Delete", "Cancel".
> Our objective is to write the form in a way that doesn't require
> javascript, just plain old html form and submit buttons.
> Since the action url is defined in the Form tag and not in each individual
> submit button, our only option is to post to a generic url and then start
> "if...then...else" to determine the name of the button that was submitted.
> Not very elegant, but our only choice, since we don't want to rely on
> javascript.
> The only problem is that pressing "Delete", will submit ALL the form fields
> on the server even though the only thing needed for this action is a Hidden
> input with the post-id. Not very big deal in this small example, but I have
> forms with hundreds (so to speak) of fields and tabs in my LOB applications
> that (because of requirements) have to submit everything in one-go and in
> any case this seems very inefficient and a waste. If form nesting was
> supported, I would at least be able to wrap the "Delete" submit button
> inside it's own form with only the post-id field.
> ---
> One answer was to re-design the app so users could delete items without
> opening them...
> Another answer was to have the forms side by side on the page, but not
> nested. then use CSS to make all the buttons line up pretty. But... it is "too
> hackish. Plus in a very large page ... it's almost impossible to completely
> separate the elements' screen position from their position in the document".
> *2. So, is there any elegant solution in HTML5, without JavaScript, and
> with several buttons to submit different sets of input fields (to the same
> or different URL(s)?*
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