[html5] Web Workers: Race-Condition setting onmessage handler?
Simon Pieters
zcorpan at gmail.com
Wed Sep 1 12:35:59 PDT 2010
On Tue, 03 Aug 2010 13:21:44 +0200, Tobias Sauerwein
<tobias.sauerwein at camptocamp.com> wrote:
>>> I am wondering what prevents a web worker from running into
>>> race-conditions when setting the onmessage handlers. I am worried
>>> about that
>>> a web worker posts a message before the main script has set up the
>>> onmessage
>>> handler, or the other way around, that the web worker posts a message
>>> before
>>> the main script has set up its onmessage handler.
>>> I know that there is a message queue [1], but you can easily make up an
>>> example where a message is not enqueued:
>>> Main Script:
>>> var worker = new Worker("webworker.js");
>>>> worker.onmessage = function(event) {
>>>> console.log('onmessage ' + event.data)
>>>> };
>>>> worker.postMessage("start");
>>> 'webworker.js':
>>> setTimeout(
>>>> function() {
>>>> onmessage = function(event) {
>>>> postMessage("message received");
>>>> };
>>>> postMessage("done");
>>>> }, 1000);
>>> The output is (in Chromium 6.0.475.0 and Firefox 4.01b, Opera 10.70
>>> also
>>> outputs "onmessage message received"):
>>> onmessage done
>>> So the "onmessage" handler of the web worker is never called.
>>> Is this the behavior the specification requests, or is it a bug in
>>> Chrome/Chromium and Firefox?
>>> Tobias
>>> [1]:
>>> http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/comms.html#port-message-queue
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>>> This is the correct behavior. If there is no onmessage event at the
>>> time
>> that an event arrives at the worker's event loop, it will be dropped on
>> the
>> floor. The reason this happens is steps 7/8 in section 4.5 of the worker
>> spec:
>> 7. Jump to the script's *initial code entry-point*, and let that run
>> until
>> it either returns, fails to catch an exception, or gets prematurely
>> aborted
>> by the "kill a
>> worker<http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-workers/current-work/#kill-a-worker>"
>> or "terminate a
>> worker<http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-workers/current-work/#terminate-a-worker>"
>> algorithms defined below.
>> 8. If worker global scope is actually a
>> DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope<http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-workers/current-work/#dedicatedworkerglobalscope>
>> object
>> (i.e. the worker is a dedicated worker), then enable the port message
>> queue of the worker's implicit port.
>> Basically, once the initial worker script returns, the worker's port is
>> enabled and the normal message port event delivery mechanism kicks in
>> (including dropping unhandled messages on the floor). I can't say
>> whether
>> Opera's behavior is correct or not based on your description - if you
>> increase the timeout from 1 second to 10 seconds, do you still get the
>> "onmessage message received"? If so, then that may be a bug in Opera
>> because
>> events delivered to workers without an onmessage handler set should be
>> dropped.
>> -atw
> Hi Drew,
> thanks for your reply!
> If I set the timeout to 10 seconds, the message is still delivered in
> Opera.
Then this is a bug in Opera. Could you please report it? Thanks!
Simon Pieters
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