[html5] fallback section taking over for 4xx and 5xx responses while online

Josh Sharpe josh.m.sharpe at gmail.com
Wed Aug 22 08:06:53 PDT 2012

I have a manifest that looks something like this:

# e4a75fb378cb627a0d51a80c1cc5684c2d918d93e267f5854a511aa3c8db5b1a


/ /offline

Notably, it has a "/ /online" fallback section which is, obviously, a
prefix for every page on my site.  This is good, because the goal is to
have my users redirected to what's at /offline when they navigate to
www.mydomain.com while offline.

As the fallback section is a prefix for everything, it's a prefix for any
url/path that results in an error condition such as a 404 or 500 response.
 Since there is an error, and the url matches, the fallback section is
triggered, displaying the contents of /offline and not the response from
the given URL.

It seems that the application cache, when it encounters an error state such
as a 404 or 500, doesn't check to see if the browser is still in the
'online' state, and immediately falls over to the fallback section.

While online, I would expect my 4xx and 5xx page to be rendered normally.

Finally, the fallback section in my example is very typical of most
examples I find in various docs, including the whatwg spec.  I don't think
I'm doing anything abnormal here.

Should I design this differently or is there something missing from the

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