[html5] validator.nu Web GUI -- How to validate against XHTML5?

Michael[tm] Smith mike at w3.org
Tue Nov 6 01:02:09 PST 2012

jama <jamappi at gmail.com>, 2012-11-06 09:54 +0100:

> On 06.11.2012 09:46, Michael[tm] Smith wrote:
> Btw, and kinda off topic, can I properly validate polyglot XHTML5 files as
> well with validator.nu (or the W3C version of it)?

If you mean an explicit "polyglot" validation option, no, neither validator
instance provides that. I guess if you want that you could sorta get it
by checking against the text/html parser + HTML5 schema combination and
then against the XML parser + XHTML5 schema combination. It sound like
that's what you're probably already doing. I don't personally think it'd be
a good idea for us to have the validator make doing that any easier.


Michael[tm] Smith http://people.w3.org/mike

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