[html5] Google Chrome video playback speed problems

Norman Fournier norman at normanfournier.com
Wed Nov 14 08:09:05 PST 2012


The system I am using is MacOSX 10.6.8.

Another odd thing is that in the playlist on the URL I supplied, some of the files further down the list play properly, in spite of being formatted in the same way using the same cpu and software. What differs is that the videos that have the playback rate problem are quite long. Perhaps this has some effect, but why would it?


On 2012-11-14, at 7:11 AM, Kevin Deamandel wrote:

> To both of you, what OS are you running and what version?
> -Kevin (Mobile)
> On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 2:35 PM, Mike Ressler <mressler at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yes, I'm also seeing this.  I run a video company and many of my customers
>> have been reporting this as well.  It only happens on Chrome and the same
>> videos play back fine on Firefox/VLC.  This happens whether the video is
>> local to the machine and accessed via file:// or if it's remote and accessed
>> via http://.  I have a sample video hosted:
>> http://www.ressq.com/M2U01200.20121112110719.ogv
>> I also created a Google Help Forum topic on the matter, but haven't had a
>> reply (or many visits):
>> http://productforums.google.com/forum/#!category-topic/chrome/report-a-problem-and-get-troubleshooting-help/mac/tCoBluF3qhc
>> Does anyone know who to contact on the Google Chrome team?
>> Thanks,
>> Mike Ressler
>> On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 10:02 PM, Norman Fournier
>> <norman at normanfournier.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have been using jPlayer successfully to play video for a while with
>>> great results. I use QuickTimePro7 or Ogg Drop X to format the ogv files.
>>> Recently the files play fine on my desktop but when viewed in Google Chrome
>>> either locally or on web they play back faster than they should. See the
>>> videos two thirds f the way down the page at http://www.thehalcyoncore.com
>>> for an example. This happens in the other instances where these videos are
>>> installed.
>>> I downloaded and reinstalled Chrome, with no success. I then cleared out
>>> users/library/ applicationsupport/google/chrome and reinstalled a new
>>> download of Chrome, again with no success.
>>> Has anyone encountered this?
>>> Norman
>>> ---
>>> www: http://www.normanfournier.com
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