[html5] Validator is incorrectly detecting that the page encoding is utf-8 when it is actually iso-8859-1

Brett Ryan brett.ryan at gmail.com
Tue Mar 26 18:12:18 PDT 2013

I've just switched from the firefox addon (https://github.com/rogerjohansson/html5validator) to the firefox web developer tools (http://chrispederick.com/work/web-developer/) and switched it's validator to my local server.

Now I have confirmed that the validation is successful.

It seems for some reason that the firefox plugin is changing the encoding of the page to utf-8 before passing to the validator service and thus giving me a false error.

I am very sorry for all of the trouble but you guys have helped me a great deal.

I've raised this bug: https://github.com/rogerjohansson/html5validator/issues/10

Just an asside, the interface does itself actually have a validation error:

Bad value “http:///html5/” for attribute “href” on element “a”: This is only on the local instance.

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