[html5] Understanding HGROUP

Tony Crockford tonyc at boldfish.co.uk
Thu Jun 11 03:13:28 PDT 2015

> On 11 Jun 2015, at 09:11, Brian Tremblay <webmaster at tsmchughs.com> wrote:
> I'm not sure how <hgroup><h1><h2> offers anything better practically speaking than <header><h1><p>.

Isn’t it more about how a machine would understand it?

e.g. elements within an hgroup are titles/headings and can be parsed as such by a machine to translate the document to another form. (a database object for example) whereas the contents of a header element could be headings, or logos or just metadata about the section… - a bit too vague to machine interpret.

That’s my take on it anyways.


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