[html5] "internal slot"
Gomer Thomas
gomer at gomert-consulting.com
Tue Apr 12 12:33:25 PDT 2016
Thanks very much for the additional insights. I think I am
getting there.
I need to go read some more and think some more about what you
have told me.
In the particular application I have in mind the stream of
data comes from a remote server over a WebSocket connection. There is no
possibility of back pressure. The chunks of bytes are simply pushed
asynchronously. The client Javascript code sends a request for the byte
stream to start, and the bytes start arriving.
I think a good part of my confusion stems from my assumption
that part of the "Streams" machinery (implementations of some of the
Classes) is intended to be built into off-the-shelf user agents, and part
(implementation of other Classes) must be provided by Javascript code. I am
having trouble understanding which Classes fall into each category.
By the way, one thing that would make the specification more
understandable to a reader would be to make it explicit that the
ReadableStream is what makes the underlyingSource.start(controller) and
underlyingSource.pull(controller) calls, and to make explicit the connection
between the "controller" argument passed in those calls and the value of the
[[readableStreamController]] slot. The informative text says that the
"controller" can be a ReadableByteStreamController or a
ReadableStreamDefaultController, and the constructor steps describe how to
set the slot value to one or the other of these, but I could not find
anything that says the "controller" argument passed in the start() and
pull() calls is the slot value. This just seems to be implicitly assumed --
OK if the reader already knows what is going on, but not so good if the
reader is trying to understand what is going on.
Another quick question: One of the "Conventions" in the Streams
document is " We similarly use the default argument notation = {} in a
couple of cases." What does that mean? When that appears, what is being
defined as a default for what?
Regards, Gomer Thomas
Gomer Thomas Consulting, LLC
9810 132nd St NE
Arlington, WA 98223
Cell: 425-309-9933
-----Original Message-----
From: Domenic Denicola [mailto:d at domenic.me]
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 10:06 AM
To: Gomer Thomas <gomer at gomert-consulting.com>; help at lists.whatwg.org
Subject: RE: [html5] "internal slot"
From: Help [mailto:help-bounces at lists.whatwg.org] On Behalf Of
Gomer Thomas
> Is that correct?
This isn't quite correct. You may benefit from reading some
introductory material on JS, e.g. http://exploringjs.com/es6/ch_classes.html
should help.
One thing relevant to what you were talking about is the fact
that internal slots are per-instance. They do not participate in any
inheritance hierarchy, but instead are installed by constructors. So if you
class X extends ReadableStream {
constructor() {
// purposefully empty
const x = new X();
then x will not have any of ReadableStream's internal slots.
Whereas if you replace `// purposefully empty` with `super()`, the
super-constructor call will install the internal slots on the instance, so
`x` will have them.
> In the Streams specification, I am particularly
interested in
> the ReadableStream class. As I understand it, Section 3.2.1
> Definition) only provides a skeleton of the Class
definition, and the
> rest of the definition is contained in the remaining
sub-sections of section 3.2.
Yes, that section is non-normative. It is meant to give you an
understanding of what the public API surface is, and does not say anything
about how the class works. That is left for the normative specification
> I'm still pretty fuzzy about the "underlyingSource"
object used
> in the constructor. As far as I can tell, it must implement
> methods "start(controller)", "pull(controller)",
"cancel(reason)", and
> it must have the properties "type" and
"autoAllocateChunkSize". It is
> not at all clear what calls the "start(controller)" and
> "pull(controller)" methods, and where the "controller"
argument comes from.
This is detailed extensively in the specification. I'm
interested to know how we can we make it clearer for readers like yourself;
suggestions appreciated.
> Are these supposed to be called by the JavaScript code that
> the ReadableStream object, or are they supposed to be called
by the
> ReadableStream object itself, or what?
The latter.
> Does
> the "controller" argument come implicitly from the object in
> [[readableStreamController]] slot? As far as I can tell,
this must be
> a ReadableByteStreamController or a
The controller object is constructed by the ReadableStream
constructor (as the spec for the constructor details). This is explained in
the non-normative note at the top of the constructor:
> If the underlyingSource object contains a property type set
to "bytes", this readable stream is a readable byte stream, and can
successfully vend BYOB readers. In that case, the passed controller object
will be an instance of ReadableByteStreamController. Otherwise, it will be
an instance of ReadableStreamDefaultController.
You may enjoy
https://blog.domenic.me/the-revealing-constructor-pattern/, which explains
this pattern in general.
> The
> Class definitions of these seem very vague. Is it true that
> objects must be implemented on an application-by-application
basis, in
> order to provide the desired functionality for the
underlying source
> stream in the specific application scenario?
If you are creating your own custom readable streams, then you
indeed supply their own custom underlying source objects to give them
desired behavior. Readable streams, like promises, are just containers for
data; without the underlying source code to fill them up with data, they
can't exist.
If you are receiving readable streams from another source,
such as the Fetch API, then you are not creating the stream, so you don't
need to supply the data or behavior, so you don't need to supply an
underlying source. You can see an example at
https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#fetch-api (last code snippet), where the
`res.body` stream is given to you by the fetch API, and then you use the
public API (mainly .getReader(), and reader.read()) to consume it.
Creating your own readable streams is generally done when you
want to use a streaming interface to automatically handle concerns like
buffering and backpressure. For example, see
https://streams.spec.whatwg.org/#creating-examples. This would generally be
done by library authors, whereas most application developers would simply
use streams that were given to them, either by the platform (a la fetch) or
by library authors.
> Regards, Gomer Thomas
> --
> Gomer Thomas Consulting, LLC
> 9810 132nd St NE
> Arlington, WA 98223
> Cell: 425-309-9933
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Help [mailto:help-bounces at lists.whatwg.org] On
Behalf Of
> Gomer Thomas
> Sent: Monday, April 11, 2016 9:30 PM
> To: 'Domenic Denicola' <d at domenic.me>;
help at lists.whatwg.org
> Subject: Re: [html5] "internal slot"
> Thanks for the response.
> I found the statement "We use the
> x@[[y]] to refer to internal slots of an object", but I
could not find
> a definition of what an "internal slot" is. What am I
> Regards, Gomer Thomas
> --
> Gomer Thomas Consulting, LLC
> 9810 132nd St NE
> Arlington, WA 98223
> Cell: 425-309-9933
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Domenic Denicola [mailto:d at domenic.me]
> Sent: Monday, April 11, 2016 3:25 PM
> To: Gomer Thomas
<gomer at gomert-consulting.com>;
> help at lists.whatwg.org
> Subject: RE: [html5] "internal slot"
> It is defined in
> https://streams.spec.whatwg.org/#conventions.
> whatwg at whatwg.org
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