[Imps] HTML5 integration in Genshi (input, output and now templates!)

Thomas Broyer t.broyer at gmail.com
Wed Apr 4 05:55:55 PDT 2007

2007/3/28, Jeff Cutsinger:
> Thomas Broyer wrote:
> >>
> >> http://genshi.edgewall.org/ticket/108

The project now lives at http://code.google.com/p/genshihtml5

I've updated HTML5Template to:
 * allow inclusion of python script (using <script
 * allow inclusion of other templates (using <script type="text/html"
src="..."></script> or <link rel="genshi.include" href="...">)
 * parse included templates as "HTML5 fragments" (requires html5lib
rev. 538 at a minimum)

I'll add support for <object> to include other templates as this
allows for fallback content (e.g. <object type="text/html"

Also planned are a filter for stripping optional tags
<http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#optional> (to save
a few bytes in the output stream) and, later, a "form filler" filter
with support for Web Forms 1.0 (mainly the repetition model and
association of controls with multiple forms), probably following the
"seeding" algorithm

I've done only a few tests and I'm not yet using it really, so test
cases are needed too.

Feel free to test and report bugs.

Thomas Broyer

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