[whatwg] Fwd: idea for new tag: breadcrums (fwd)

Ian Hickson ian at hixie.ch
Thu Nov 25 16:15:09 PST 2004

Someone sent me a mail suggesting:

| <breadcrumbs>
| <a href="/">Main</a> >> <a href="/products/">Products</a> >> Dishwashers
| </breadcrumbs>

I think a better way of doing this would be:

     <a href="/" rel="top up up up">Main</a> &gt;
     <a href="/products/" rel="up up">Products</a> &gt;
     <a href="/products/dishwashers" rel="up">Dishwashers</a> &gt;
     Second hand

...where we define rel="up" to mean "go up one level" (as now) and add the 
semantic that if the keyword is repeated, then it means up that many 
levels. I've noted this as something the spec will have to talk about.

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