[whatwg] Wish: Restrict Image Size on Upload

Jim Ley jim.ley at gmail.com
Mon Jan 3 05:10:58 PST 2005

On Mon, 03 Jan 2005 13:39:13 +0200, Mikko Rantalainen
<mikko.rantalainen at peda.net> wrote:
> I would,
> however, support a suggestion to ask UA to scale the uploaded image
> to certain smaller size so that the file would be faster to send

The current crop of HTML user agents are atrocious at resampling
images to different sizes, about the only web user agent I know of
that does a good job is the Adobe SVG Viewer, but the rest really are
poor, I can't think of any reason to do it - I think windows XP "do
you want to reduce the size for emailing prompt" is superior.

So whilst it might be nice, I think it would be ultimately disappointing.


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