[whatwg] Web Forms 2.0 - what does it extend , definition of same, relation to XForms, implementation reqs.

Maciej Stachowiak mjs at apple.com
Thu Jan 6 16:28:36 PST 2005

On Jan 4, 2005, at 8:24 AM, Bill McCoy wrote:

> The fact that Microsoft has already moved on from DHTML to XAML/Avalon
> suggests that history may not repeat itself and I'd love to see us all
> getting together to help create a unified standards-based approach to
> building Web applications that can move the industry ahead, building 
> on key
> prior work (e.g. XHTML, SVG, XUL/XBL concepts, and, yes, XSLT and 
> XForms)
> rather than trying to reinvent the wheel.

XHTML, SVG, XSLT and XForms already reinvent plenty of wheels. It seems 
unclear to me why it's a good idea to duplicate everything in HTML4 
(which everyone uses) in order to use a bunch of specs no one on the 
real-world web uses. I'd rather see the new, unused stuff reinvented in 
a way that is compatible with existing practice.


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