[whatwg] Web Forms 2.0 Implementation choices

Olav Junker Kjær olav at olav.dk
Mon Jan 10 07:15:42 PST 2005

Ian Hickson wrote:

> Web Forms 2.0 is not written with a pure JS implementation in mind, but if 
> there are small changes that could be made to the spec today to make doing 
> such an implementation easier, let me know. The primary target for WF2 and 
> WA1 is native implementations and XBL- and HTC- based implementations.

Custom events cannot (as far as I know) be generated through pure 
javascript in IE. Also, property setter and getter methods cannot be 
implemented in IE, without HTC's. So I think it would require 
significant changes to the spec to allow a pure JS implementation.

However, some features in the spec is impossible to implement even using 
- bubbeling events. HTC's support custom events, but they cannot bubble.
- [[DefaultValue]] method on ValidityState cannot be implemented in IE
- implementation.hasFeature("WebForms", "2.0") cannot be supported
- new css pseudo-classes cannot be supported fully
- lots of limitations around the input type=file and the different 
encoding types.

Of course, since an implementation has to support DOM3 Core+Events to 
claim conformance to WF2, a fully conformant HTC-based implementation 
for IE is probably not realistic anyway :-)

Olav Junker Kjær

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