[whatwg] showModalDialog

James Graham jg307 at cam.ac.uk
Fri Jul 1 06:25:10 PDT 2005

Matthew Raymond wrote:

>> Is it possible to keep the two discussions chromeless windows and 
>> modal dialogs separate, please?
>    If you're talking about modal dialogs, chromeless windows have to 
> come up because modal dialogs must be chromeless. 

Why? I missed that somewhere... Anyway, browser vendors are not going to 
allow "true" chromeless windows (i.e. without any features that identify 
them as a browser window and allow a user to identify the URL), spec or 
no spec. If, for some reason I didn't catch, that also implies that 
modal dialogs (which I still believe to be a Very Bad Idea That Has No 
Place On The Web) are impossible then we should just consider both ideas 
dead and cut down the amount of mail people have to wade through.

"It seems to be a constant throughout history: In every period, people believed 
things that were just ridiculous, and believed them so strongly that you would 
have gotten in terrible trouble for saying otherwise."

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