[whatwg] [wf2] some comments on DOM interface section

Anne van Kesteren fora at annevankesteren.nl
Wed Nov 30 01:03:40 PST 2005

7. Extensions to the HTML Level 2 DOM interfaces

The type DOM attribute of HTMLSelectElement links to the type DOM attribute of
the HTMLButtonElement which is entirely different. According to DOM2HTML the
type DOM attribute of HTMLSelectElement acts like: 'This is the string
"select-multiple" when the multiple attribute is true and the string
"select-one" when false.'

7.8. New DOM attributes for new content attributes

I do not think this section is entirely accurate. For example, the autofocus DOM
attribute does not reflect the value of the relevant content attribute. It is a
boolean attribute and returns true when the content attribute is present,
regardless of the value, and false when the content attribute is not present.

Looking it through the autocomplete DOM attribute, the disabled DOM attribute,
the required DOM attribute and perhaps others also need to be updated.

Anne van Kesteren

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