[whatwg] Web Forms 2.0 - repetition model control

Lachlan Hunt lachlan.hunt at lachy.id.au
Sat Oct 15 18:46:39 PDT 2005

ROBO Design wrote:
> What would probably be better:
> <input type="template" for="some-template-ID" 
> action="add|remove|move-up|move-down">

If you want it done like that, then at least use type="button".  That 
way, users of legacy UAs don't get confused by a strange text box that 
they don't know what to put into it, but rather end up with a button 
that does nothing when clicked.  Neither are ideal from a usability 
perspective, but the button seems like better graceful degradation.

However, <button type="add"> already does that, so I'd just leave it as is.

Lachlan Hunt

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