[whatwg] ECMAScript extensions in Web Applications

Krzysztof Maczynski chris___m at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 15 07:18:29 PDT 2005

>From http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/:

"In the ECMAScript binding itself, however, the handleEvent() method of the interface is not directly accessible on Function objects. Such functions must be called in the global scope."

Why is that? Only to declare current browsers compliant? (The name window is enough an offense to accessibility for historical reasons.) Reflection mechanisms (abound in ECMAScript) will be of limited use, especially in multi-language programming. Special treatments will need to be hardwired into development tools (debuggers, inspectors, wizards, code editing assistants, metadata handlers). Disobeying design principles sooner or later tends to turn out to be short-sightedness.

If you really want at this price to legitimate current implementations, at least make this hideous practice optional, not mandatory. And deprecated from the start.

Best regards,


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