[whatwg] Select conformance

Maciej Stachowiak mjs at apple.com
Mon Apr 3 02:10:53 PDT 2006

On Mar 29, 2006, at 10:15 AM, Henri Sivonen wrote:

> Single select:
> Is it conforming for an option to be both selected and disabled? (I  
> think it shouldn't be conforming.)
> And analogously: Is is conforming for a radio button to be both  
> checked and disabled if the whole set is not disabled? (This one is  
> harder to check, but anyway...)
> Is it conforming to have no option that is marked selected? (I  
> think allowing this is safe.)
> Select multiple:
> Is it conforming for an option to be both selected and disabled?  
> How do native widgets handle this?

At least some things clearly need to be allowed to be checked/ 
selected and disabled at the same time. In particular, checkboxes  
really need this. Allowing this in some cases but not others smacks  
of trying to dictate UI policy for content authors.

It would be better to make disabled orthogonal to other UI state.


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