[whatwg] "must only" ambiguity

Krzysztof Żelechowski giecrilj at stegny.2a.pl
Mon Dec 24 10:07:26 PST 2007

Dnia 21-12-2007, Pt o godzinie 17:28 +0000, Philip Taylor pisze:
> "Documents and document fragments / Structure" says "Authors must only
> use elements in the HTML namespace in the contexts where they are
> allowed, as defined for each element."
> That phrase is unclear. It could be interpreted as:
> "Authors must { only use elements in the HTML namespace } in { the
> contexts where [elements in the HTML namespace] are allowed }", i.e.
> contexts expecting HTML namespaced elements mustn't contain foreign
> content.
> "Authors must { [...] use elements in the HTML namespace } [only] { in
> the contexts where they are allowed }", i.e. HTML elements must not be
> used where they aren't allowed.
> "Authors must only { use elements in the HTML namespace in the
> contexts where they are allowed }", i.e. pretty much every imaginable
> action in the entire world is disallowed, except for using elements
> where allowed.
> A suggested replacement: "Authors must not use elements in the HTML
> namespace except where allowed by the context defined for the
> element".

My rewording for competition: 
"Authors may use elements in the HTML namespace 
in the contexts where they are explicitly allowed and nowhere else."

> Similarly, "Authors must only put elements inside an element if that
> element allows them to be there according to its content model" should
> be fixed to say something like "Authors must not put elements inside
> an element unless that element allows them to be there according to
> its content model".

My rewording for competition: 
"Authors may put elements inside an element only if that element..."
(because "only if" is a common and well understood expression.)


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