[whatwg] <video> element proposal

Anne van Kesteren annevk at opera.com
Wed Feb 28 05:47:56 PST 2007


Opera has some internal expiremental builds with an implementation of a  
<video> element. The element exposes a simple API (for the moment) much  
like the Audio() object:


The idea is that it works like <object> except that it has special <video>  
semantics much like <img> has image semantics. In markup you could prolly  
use it as follows:

    <video src=news-snippet.ogg>
    <legend>HTML5 in BBC News</legend>

I attached a proposal for the element and as you can see there are still  
some open issues. The element and its API are of course open for debate.  
We're not enforcing this upon the world ;-)


Anne van Kesteren
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