[whatwg] IRIs vs. URIs

L. David Baron dbaron at dbaron.org
Wed Mar 14 13:04:32 PDT 2007

On Wednesday 2007-03-14 20:16 +0100, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
> Opera, at least for a considerable amount of time, used UTF-8 for
> the whole reference, I think independently of encodings, domains,
> and other environment variables. Mozilla was incompatible with that
> for a long time, always using the document encoding even for the
> path. I understand this is no longer the case for trunk builds. So
> the above is a major oversimplification of the issue.
> (I included the many "Western" qualifications because the default
> settings for send-urls-as-utf-8 is regionally different and because
> I encountered some strange edge cases that result in odd behavior,
> like sending raw non-ascii octets in the request; details are in
> Mozilla Bugzilla comment from me, and various list archives).

I believe Mozilla's behavior is the way it is in order to be
compatible enough with IE's behavior to be usable when browsing East
Asian Web sites.  We avoid changing our interpretation of Web
standards based on localization; that's just too much complexity to
test and maintain.


L. David Baron                                <URL: http://dbaron.org/ >
           Technical Lead, Layout & CSS, Mozilla Corporation
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