[whatwg] Web Forms 2.0 and the W3C Patent Policy

Robert Brodrecht whatwg at robertdot.org
Wed Mar 14 20:13:12 PDT 2007

On Mar 14, 2007, at 6:59 PM, Matthew Raymond wrote:

>    If your name is on the list above, please agree to the license  
> so we
> can circumvent the patent policy issue in the HTML WG. Let me know if
> you've already agreed to the policy so I can take you off the list.

I can't find an easy way to simply agree to the patent policy.   
However, I know I had to do it in the process of becoming an invited  
expert to the HTML WG.  I assume that each person can complete that  
process via Ian's instructions: http://blog.whatwg.org/w3c-restarts- 

If anyone knows a way to do this with less overhead for the W3C folks  
(e.g. Dan Connolly and Karl Dubost), it would probably also be easier  
for the specified individuals to get through the process.  Links to  
forms or e-mail addresses of people to contact would be nice if you  
have them.

Robert <http://robertdot.org>

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