[whatwg] database full error (was: Re: executeSql API issynchronous)

Timothy Hatcher timothy at apple.com
Sun Oct 14 13:47:01 PDT 2007

You can DROP tables or DELETE all the rows from every table with SQL  
queries. That is what Kristof was inferring.

On Oct 14, 2007, at 7:16 AM, Scott Hess wrote:

> I think this does imply an ability to delete the entire local
> database, which might be a reasonable API addition.  Even short of
> this case, you could also consider the named databases as part of an
> app's database schema in the sense that data could be partitioned
> between named databases, and later the partitioning could change,
> implying the need to delete the now-unused databases.

— Timothy Hatcher

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