[whatwg] HTML 5 - comments on 5.6 Command APIs

Tom Gilder tom at tom.me.uk
Sun Mar 9 20:09:33 PDT 2008

Hello! Several comments on 5.6 Command APIs...

1) Typo: "insertOrderedList" is listed as a heading twice. The second  
instance should be "insertUnorderedList".

2) What's happened to the commands "indent" and "outdent"? Without  
these, it's impossible to make a list of more than one level deep. I  
understand being against using them to wrap non-list text in  
<blockquote>, but these (or an equivalent) are needed for lists.

3) HTML 5 suggests queryCommandEnabled('Unlink') returns true with any  

	"Enabled When: The document has a selection that is entirely within  
an editing host."
		-- http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#unlink

I see no point in returning true when there are no links to remove. IE  
and Opera currently only return true when the selection contains a  
link. WebKit follows the current HTML 5 wording.

I suggest the line is changed to:

	"Enabled When: The document has a selection that is entirely within  
an editing host, which contains one or more links, or part of a link."


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