[whatwg] Multi-block dicta within DIALOG

Geoffrey Sneddon foolistbar at googlemail.com
Sun Nov 23 13:52:36 PST 2008

On 23 Nov 2008, at 20:11, Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis wrote:

> I'm wondering whether:
> <dt>Jack White</dt>
> <dd>foobar<p>baz</p><p>quux</p></dd>
> is equivalent to or different to:
> <dt>Jack White</dt>
> <dd><p>foobar</p><p>baz</p><p>quux</p></dd>

Semantically equivalent, though different in the trees they produce  
(in the former "foobar" is a text node child of the dd element, in the  
latter it is a text node child of the first p element child of the dd  

> and whether
> <dt>Jack White</dt>
> <dd>foobar</dd>
> is equivalent to or different to:
> <dt>Jack White</dt>
> <dd><p>foobar</p></dd>

Same — semantically equivalent, though different in the trees they  
produce (in the former "foobar" is a text node child of the dd  
element, in the latter it is a text node child of the p element child  
of the dd element).

> Does DD have an implicit P, much as it has an implicit Q/BLOCKQUOTE?

No: a run of text nodes (and phrasing content elements) is a  
paragraph, much like an explicit one created by the p element. <http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#paragraphs 
 > details this in-depth.

Geoffrey Sneddon

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