[whatwg] Alt attribute for <video> and <audio>

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis bhawkeslewis at googlemail.com
Sun Aug 9 19:13:18 PDT 2009

On 10/08/2009 02:22, Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:
> E.g. when you tab onto a<video>  element, the "alt" tag could give a
> very brief summary as to what the video is about, e.g. "Elephant
> Dreams video".

Don't the following already do that:

1. <video title="Elephant Dreams video" ...

2. <h3 id="elephants">Elephant Dreams video</h3><video 
aria-labelledby="elephants" ...

3. <video aria-label="Elephant Dreams video" ...

What would "alt" add here?

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

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