[whatwg] Parsing RFC3339 constructs

Christoph Päper christoph.paeper at crissov.de
Thu Aug 20 10:36:37 PDT 2009

Ian Hickson:
> On Tue, 11 Aug 2009, Nils Dagsson Moskopp wrote:
>> Am Dienstag, den 11.08.2009, 07:27 +0000 schrieb Ian Hickson:
>>> On Tue, 11 Aug 2009, Julian Reschke wrote:
>>>> Ian Hickson wrote:
>>>>>>>>   - the literal letters T and Z must be uppercase
>>>>> It simplifies processing a tiny amount.
>>>> So for a tiny win, you change the format?
>>> By a tiny amount, yes.
>> It will be interesting to see if parsers choose to also "get"  
>> lowercase
>> letters. I'd half-expect that to work, not at least because there may
>> already be RFC-compliant libraries in the wild.
> The spec explicitly points out that implementors shouldn't naively use
> ISO8601 libraries.

That is not naivity! It is a standard's duty to correctly integrate  
other standards. If HTML 5 uses a subset of ISO 8601 then content  
processors must be able to use generic ISO-conformant parsers.  
Content providers OTOH may be required to restrict their generators.  
As soon as they discover what else is accepted by browsers etc.,  
though, they will use it. Ergo HTML 5 should, from the beginning,  
support whatever parts of ISO 8601 common libraries cover already.  
Unless, of course, we presume that HTML implementors will use  
homebrewed code only.

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