[whatwg] Unifying DOMTokenList with DOM 3 Core's DOMStringList?

Adam Roben aroben at apple.com
Mon Jun 15 09:25:03 PDT 2009

DOM 3 Core defines the DOMStringList interface [1], which has some  
similarities to HTML 5's DOMTokenList interface. In fact,  
DOMStringList basically provides a subset of DOMTokenList's  
functionality. But there is a mismatch in the names of the  
DOMTokenList.has and DOMTokenList.contains methods (which seem to have  
the same purpose).

I think DOMTokenList.has should be renamed to DOMTokenList.contains,  
to match DOMStringList.

Perhaps some relationship between these two interfaces should be  
defined as well (though that would obviously introduce a dependency on  
DOM 3 Core).


[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-DOM-Level-3-Core-20040407/core.html#DOMStringList

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