[whatwg] AppCache and SharedWorkers?

Drew Wilson atwilson at google.com
Thu Mar 26 09:26:18 PDT 2009

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 3:58 AM, Alexey Proskuryakov <ap at webkit.org> wrote:

> Letting faceless background processes update themselves without user
> consent is not necessarily desirable. I think that they need browser UI for
> this, and/or associated HTML configuration pages that could (among other
> duties) trigger application cache update.

I'd be curious about why you think this is a problem, especially given the
existence of importScripts() and XHR which allow workers to load scripts
dynamically anyway.

ApplicationCache for persistent workers would enable them to continue
running even when offline - I don't see that it introduces any new
security/permission wrinkles, though. If you don't provide something like
that, then you'll have workers doing things like using XHR to download
script, store it in the data store, then eval() it at load time to roll
their own manual offline support.
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