[whatwg] Input type for phone numbers

Peter Kasting pkasting at google.com
Tue Mar 31 13:00:33 PDT 2009

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 12:58 PM, Maciej Stachowiak <mjs at apple.com> wrote:

> It depends on the quality of implementation you want to deliver. With a
> nice visual date picker, the UI for picking a month or a week is probably
> quite different from the UI for picking a day, which in turn would be
> different from the UI for picking a time, or a date and time together. For
> instance, a day picker would probably only show you month or possibly a 2 or
> 3 months at a time, whereas that would not make sense for a month picker.
> Just having a type-in box with no visual picker would result in a control
> that would likely not be usable for the kinds of sites where you enter
> dates.

Have you looked at Opera's implementation?  it supports all these various
types, and is not too bad.

Regardless, from the browser's perspective, these are all pretty equally
easy, since the expectation is that each platform just invokes a system date
picking object when the user clicks on the control to request one...

But we're getting off track.

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